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Podcast with Eugene Hennessy, European Tour consultant, about preparations at Portstewart

Peter McCormick


d92052de7f71b4b0897d07b6c4a6342e-.jpgThe European Tour has five staff agronomists to cover events for their Pro Tour, Challenge Tour and Senior. Tour. Given the far flung venues for these events, they cover a much larger geographic area than their American counterparts. Jon Kiger caught up with Eugene Hennessy, the greenkeeping consultant assigned to the Dubai Duty Free Irish Open. In the following podcast they discuss Eugene's pre-tournament course visits and his role at the event this week.

A spring that started out mild in Ireland soon turned unseasonably cold and Eugene discusses the concerns and ultimate outcome on the turf at Portstewart Golf Club. HIs course visits in advance of tournament week served as helpful checkpoints and progress reports to Bernard Findlay and the staff and members of Portstewart Golf Club.



Eugene Hennessy (l) consults with Bernard Findlay (center).


We also learn about the impact of the European Tours new Rolex Series events - of which the Dubai Duty Free Irish open is one.



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