Irrigation Technician
Seeking a qualified Irrigation Technician for an 18-hole private course with three practice greens and a practice facility. Looking for a self-motivated individual with a technical background in golf course irrigation repairs and troubleshooting wiring faults,
Irrigation scheduling, and a keen eye to fix dry and wet spots on the course.
Educational Requirements
3 years experience preferred.
Experience Requirements
The candidate will need a background in Toro Lynx and Toro rotor head assembly, as well as knowledge of faults in wiring and tools utilized to troubleshoot. Work diligently with the Superintendent on adjusting the watering schedule day to day and make proper adjustments on the course.
Job Benefits
Medical/Dental, 401k, Lunches, Uniforms, and Golf privilege's. Full Time Employment, Bonuses
Date Job is Available
$20 to $25 per hour
Overtime: Yes
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