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John Reitman

By John Reitman

OnGolf strikes deal to incorporate Playbooks for Golf features

f1a09692eabddad307ba288a4fbd1f8a-.jpgOnGolf and Playbooks for Golf have reached a strategic partnership that will integrate the latter's Coverage System within OnGolf's cloud-based golf course management platform.

"Chemical and fertilizer tracking is a tedious, imperative task in the daily management for golf course superintendents, and the Coverage System leaves no room for error, helping with planning, budgeting and regulatory compliance," said Walt Norley, founder and chief executive officer of OnGolf.
"Playbook's Coverage program was developed by smart guys who have deep operational experiences in managing golf courses and the challenges superintendents face daily with this critical operating input."
OnGolf is a cloud-based, data-analytics software program that aggregates key line-item data to help superintendents manage soil conditions, water use, fertilizer and pesticide use, labor and more as efficiently as possibly. Founded by Norley, who brought golf UgMO (Advanced Sensor Technologies) and Matt Shaffer, director of grounds at Merion Golf Club, OnGolf was derived from an existing ag-based platform known as OnFarm.
Founded in 2008, the Playbooks for Golf Coverage System helps users track chemical and fertilizer use, planning and reporting in a timely manner and shows how long each product will last. This agreement offers OnGolf subscribers an opportunity to use our Coverage System software at no additional cost. It streamlines both software into one central location and even feeds some Playbooks data into their dashboard within OnGolf through use of APIs. If a superintendent is interested in the analytics that OnGolf provides, they can now also get all the benefits that Coverage System offers as well. 
The Playbooks for Golf Coverage System is designed to save the superintendent time versus using their own spreadsheet formula. The software is continually updated with new features that are directly requested from superintendents. 
Designed for use on smartphones, tablets and computers, the system will continue to be available as a standalone product.


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