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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Career move from golf to the public sector | EW Podcast with Ed Olsen

      Original Publish Date: 03/14/2024

    olsen_th.jpgA former golf course superintendent, Edward Olsen is the Parks and Forestry Supervisor for the Town of Needham, Massachusetts. We have known Ed for over 20 years and followed him through his golf course career to his current position in the Town of Needham. The contrast in the two careers is very interesting and he loves his role in public service. It is not uncommon for golf course superintendents to take jobs in the public sector. There are many reasons they make the switch and Ed cites security being one of them.

    The challenges in public service are unique, and Ed shares some of those stories with us. He also talked about his days on the golf course including a very precarious start with a superintendent who was less than excited to have him on board!  One of the more fascinating stories he shared was about learning the 150 rule from one of his mentors. He was learning to scout for insect and disease pressures and how to spot problems before they started. The 150 rule is when temperature and humidity reach a collective number of 150 for three days. This is the point at which we know that disease incubation has hit critical mass and disease becomes inevitable. A very funny conversation that will keep you entertained, and you just may pick up a few tricks!

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