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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Randy Booker and Regenerative Golf Maintenance

      Original Publish Date: 06/17/2021

    In this EW Podcast, Kevin Hicks has a great conversation with Canadian superintendent Randy Booker of Otter Creek Golf Club. Randy has been on a path to regenerative golf maintenance. The regenerative concept goes beyond the current “sustainable" buzzword to a level that has allowed Randy to not only eliminate pesticides, but to also shift turf species on his golf course.

    Kevin and Randy discuss some topics not commonly heard in the turf industry: the inputs that create a fungal-dominant soil biology, the steps he took to get to where he is now, and how every superintendent can implement some of the things he’s done to improve the position of their course in the greater environment.

    Edited by Peter McCormick

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