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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: These old trees! Not just beautiful, they are financial assets!

      Original Publish Date: 09/29/2022

    haffling_th.jpgManaging over 100 acres on the 6th oldest college campus in the United States is not an easy task. Randy Haffling has been doing just that for over 14 years at Moravian University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. For the last six years, he has embraced a biological soil management program for the campus. This has changed the soil chemistry bringing the soil pH down by a full point. He has also built a level of soil sustainability that has kept the campus vibrant even during one of the worst droughts. 

    In addition, his campus wide tree inventory allowed everyone to see the true economic assets that the campus provides to the community. This has allowed him to make stronger economic decisions when it comes to the tree population that is also managed with a biological soil management program.

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