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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Kevin Hicks with Jaime Sharp of taskTracker

      Original Publish Date: 08/18/2022

    sharp_th.jpgMeet Jaime Sharp, PGA, formerly the director of golf at The Valley Club in Hailey, ID and current president of Advanced Scoreboards, LLC, developer of taskTracker job board software. Jaime chats with Kevin Hicks about the relationship between the golf shop and golf maintenance departments within a facility. While at The Valley Club, Jaime and superintendent Gerald Flaherty, CGCS, had a very successful working relationship based on intentional communication and a mutual understanding of each other's operations.

    This critical partnership is often less than positive, but Jaime shares his thoughts on how to strengthen this relationship for a smoother operation. There are some great nuggets for you to take back to your own course to build a bridge between the golf shop and maintenance department.

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