'> Frankly Speaking with Dr. Bruce Branham: Organic vs Synthetic Nitrogen in turf
'> Frankly Speaking with Jim Koppenhaver, an independent voice of reason
'> The Renovation Report with Pat Sisk, CGCS, of Milwaukee Country Club
'> The Turfgrass Zealot Project Episode 7 with Mind/Body Expert Julia Tindall
'> Frankly Speaking with Dr. Bill Kreuser: PGRs, growth potential and timing
'> The Turfgrass Zealot Project Episode 6 with Matt Crowther, CGCS
'> Frankly Speaking with Doug Soldat: Smart Fertilization for Smart Turf Managers
'> The Turfgrass Zealot Project Episode 5 with Ross Kurcab
'> Frankly Speaking with Dr. Bert McCarty: High Performance Ultra-Dwarf Management
'> TZP Episode 4: Extreme Superintendent/Athletes Thomas Bastis and Scott Bower
'> Dr. Norm Hummel: Aerating and Topdressing High Performance Putting Surfaces