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Adapting a Solution

As the end of the year draws near I find myself in a typical reflective mode. I’m thinking big picture about my year, my life, my work and the industry and world I am so eagerly engaged. A world that saw many in our golf turf  industry turned upside down by a storm that thought it was in a NASCAR race and made a left hand turn. Whether you “believe” that the climate is changing or not, you cannot escape the media blitz that inundates us with why’s, wherefore’s and what if’s.  The media blitz an



Desperate Times Desperate Measures?

The growing concern over Bacterial Etiolation has raised the stakes on the already high stakes game of high intensity putting surface management. There is little doubt “something” is causing the decline and death of putting surface turf and the unknown is what has left many desperate for a solution. Early stages of Bacterial Etiolation Desperation often can lead to questionable decisions. One such decision in my judgement is the off-label use of antibiotics. If you are wondering how bad this



Desperate Times Desperate Measures?

The growing concern over Bacterial Etiolation has raised the stakes on the already high stakes game of high intensity putting surface management. There is little doubt something is causing the decline and death of putting surface turf and the unknown is what has left many desperate for a solution.   Desperation often can lead to questionable decisions. One such decision in my judgement is the off-label use of antibiotics. If you are wondering how bad this might turn consider the current situ

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Selling Gypsum

Stuck in the house for the hurricane, waiting for the power to go off, I can honestly say it is dangerous to watch too much of the Weather Channel.  But I know they must be selling ad time like there is no tomorrow. Who knew you could have a generator at your house that could power a small city, or why I need to be in Good Hands or with my Good Neighbor, or have someone On My Side. If I were selling ad time on The Golf Channel I’d be calling all the major gypsum manufacturers and telling them i



Selling Gypsum

Stuck in the house for the hurricane, waiting for the power to go off, I can honestly say it is dangerous to watch too much of the Weather Channel.  But I know they must be selling ad time like there is no tomorrow. Who knew you could have a generator at your house that could power a small city, or why I need to be in Good Hands or with my Good Neighbor, or have someone On My Side.   If I were selling ad time on The Golf Channel Id be calling all the major gypsum manufacturers and telling them

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Be Safe, Have Sandy Do It.

As the east coast braces for the Hurricane Sandy, I had a thought as I was getting the farm ready for the storm. There are a few trees I want down but cannot convince my wife to agree. The I thought I had was “why not have Sandy do it”? I can use a chainsaw very quickly. NASA Satellite image from Sunday October 28, 2012. A tree on my farm is more of an inconvenience than a problem. Yet I can hardly think of a golf course that does NOT need some strategic tree removal. Removal that is blocked



Be Safe, Have Sandy Do It.

As the east coast braces for the Hurricane Sandy, I had a thought as I was getting the farm ready for the storm. There are a few trees I want down but cannot convince my wife to agree. The I thought I had was why not have Sandy do it? I can use a chainsaw very quickly.   A tree on my farm is more of an inconvenience than a problem. Yet I can hardly think of a golf course that does NOT need some strategic tree removal. Removal that is blocked by emotion and politics.   Year after year the t

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Water is Gold

All I could think about was water. Everytime Ron Paul would speak about returning the US to the “Gold Standard” of backing our currency instead of using “the full faith and credit of the US”, all I could think about was water. Seems odd but if you think about how haphazardly we flood the US economy with printed money expecting some to be wasted, you might see how many golf courses use water. Not precisely and filled with waste. All the rage about moisture meters has certainly changed the way m



Water is Gold

All I could think about was water. Everytime Ron Paul would speak about returning the US to the Gold Standard of backing our currency instead of using the full faith and credit of the US, all I could think about was water. Seems odd but if you think about how haphazardly we flood the US economy with printed money expecting some to be wasted, you might see how many golf courses use water. Not precisely and filled with waste. I would go as far as to say that if you were a good water manager thi

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Are You Reliable?

Reliability is defined as the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances. I could not think of a more fitting definition for both today’s golf course superintendent AND the turf they manage. Facing unprecedented economic, personnel, and environmental challenges golf course superintendents have to deliver a playing surface that functions as expected for every client. At the same time the turf has to



Are You Reliable?

Reliability is defined as the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances. I could not think of a more fitting definition for both todays golf course superintendent AND the turf they manage. Facing unprecedented economic, personnel, and environmental challenges golf course superintendents have to deliver a playing surface that functions as expected for every client. At the same time the turf has to o

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

The Roar

Many courses in Northern areas have begun their annual rite of late Summer, early Fall-the roar of the hollow tine cultivation unit followed by burying the putting surface, tee or fairway in sand topdressing. Is this a hold-over from a time when we aerified twice per year or is it something we need to keep doing? In simple terms if you have a sand-based root-zone, i.e., greater than 85% sand, you have a few options. First, if you want to minimize any coring-solid, hollow or needle, then you be



The Roar

Many courses in Northern areas have begun their annual rite of late Summer, early Fall-the roar of the hollow tine cultivation unit followed by burying the putting surface, tee or fairway in sand topdressing. Is this a hold-over from a time when we aerified twice per year or is it something we need to keep doing? Is this a hold-over from a time when we aerified twice per year or is it something we need to keep doing? In simple terms if you have a sand-based root-zone, i.e., greater than 85%

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

The Set-up

I had the pleasure of working as a volunteer at The Barclays held on the Black Course at the Bethpage State Park. Getting up at 3:30am to assist ‘set-up man” extraordinaire, Rich Roble now with two US Opens and a FedEx Playoff under his belt. Set-up at this level is a lesson in precision. Cut a level cup to the exact depth and replace the plug so that when passed over by a mower set at 0.085″ it is neither high nor low. Any misstep and Set-up Man Rich Roble or inconsistency and you have prov



The Set-up

I had the pleasure of working as a volunteer at The Barclays held on the Black Course at the Bethpage State Park. Getting up at 3:30am to assist set-up man" extraordinaire, Rich Roble, now with two US Opens and a FedEx Playoff under his belt.   Set-up at this level is a lesson in precision. Cut a level cup to the exact depth and replace the plug so that when passed over by a mower set at 0.085 it is neither high nor low. Any misstep and or inconsistency and you have provided the professional t

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Unintended Consequences

The pressure to produce flawlessly consistent playing conditions is stressful on biological organisms, i.e., plants and people. We seek any solution to enhance plant health when “backed into a corner” with weak turf, poor growing environments, stress from close mowing, etc. Sometimes these solutions help, other times they have unintended consequences. All the rage this year about Bacterial Wilt/ Decline has me wondering about these unintended consequences when it comes to our obsession with pla



Unintended Consequences

The pressure to produce flawlessly consistent playing conditions is stressful on biological organisms, i.e., plants and people. We seek any solution to enhance plant health when backed into a corner with weak turf, poor growing environments, stress from close mowing, etc. Sometimes these solutions help, other times they have unintended consequences.   All the rage this year about Bacterial Wilt/ Decline has me wondering about these unintended consequences when it comes to our obsession with pl

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

I Was Wrong

If ever there was a year to appreciate golf on a brown surface this is it. In fact, the three USGA Championships I watched this year set the tone. From Olympic to Blackwolf Run and finally to Indianwood reminded me of something I was wrong about and also reminded that those of us in the golf turf industry might be part of the problem. A few years ago I was interviewed after giving a presentation at the GIS in Orlando. During the interview I made a glib and dismissive comment about David Faye’



I Was Wrong

If there were ever a year to appreciate golf on a brown surface, this is it. In fact, the three USGA Championships I watched this year set the tone. From Olympic to Blackwolf Run and finally to Indianwood reminded me of something I was wrong about and also reminded that those of us in the golf turf industry might be part of the problem.   A few years ago I was interviewed after giving a presentation at the GIS in Orlando. During the interview I made a glib and dismissive comment about David

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

No time for panic

It’s that time of year again when panic sets it. Day after day of high heat stress brings many closer to the tipping point for areas that have marginal growing environments. Low light and poor air movement for warm and cool season grasses, even the utlra-dwarfs don’t like shade, and the ubiquitous surface organic matter that holds even the slightest amount of water all add up to increased stress and panic. Panic is defined as a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or preve



No time for panic

Its that time of year again when panic sets it. Day after day of high heat stress brings many closer to the tipping point for areas that have marginal growing environments. Low light and poor air movement for warm and cool season grasses, even the utlra-dwarfs dont like shade, and the ubiquitous surface organic matter that holds even the slightest amount of water all add up to increased stress and panic.   Panic is defined as a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prev

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Turf Laying is an Art

Every industry has its iconic characters. In the UK few would argue Old Tom Morris, Jim Arthur and Walter Woods are not icons among greenkeepers. In the US for me we have Sherwood Moore, Oscar Miles, Ted Woehrle, and my personal favorite, Wayne Otto. In Australia there is Claude Crockford. Claude Crockford Crockford was the greenkeeper at the Royal Melbourne for 40 years from the 1930’s to the 1970’s. In 1993 he published “The Complete Golf Course: Turf and Design” as both an homage to Royal



Turf Laying is an Art

Every industry has its iconic characters. In the UK few would argue Old Tom Morris, Jim Arthur and Walter Woods are not icons among greenkeepers. In the US for me we have Sherwood Moore, Oscar Miles, Ted Woehrle, and my personal favorite, Wayne Otto. In Australia there is Claude Crockford.   Crockford was the greenkeeper at the Royal Melbourne for 40 years from the 1930s to the 1970s. In 1993 he published The Complete Golf Course: Turf and Design as both an homage to Royal Melbourne and prac

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

They Are So Hard My Feet Hurt

Tha classic Royal Melbourne bunker complex No tour of golf courses in Australia would be complete without a visit to The Royal Melbourne Golf Club. The RMGC is one of the nine courses in the Melbourne Sandbelt that includes some of the finest golf courses in Australia. After visiting several seaside courses that have the “wow” factor, the Royal Melbourne required a more patient approach. The golf club was formed in the late 1800’s and the current courses occupy the same site since 1901. Howeve



They Are So Hard My Feet Hurt

No tour of golf courses in Australia would be complete without a visit to The Royal Melbourne Golf Club. The RMGC is one of the nine courses in the Melbourne Sandbelt that includes some of the finest golf courses in Australia.   After visiting several seaside courses that have the wow factor, the Royal Melbourne required a more patient approach. The golf club was formed in the late 1800s and the current courses occupy the same site since 1901. However it was in 1926 when the club engaged the s

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

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