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Take Action This Month!

Matt Leverich


For many of you summer is crazy busy and full of nothing but work on the course. So naturally many of your other endeavors regarding your career and even using communication tools and resources like TurfNet can get put on the backseat. So, I thought I would revisit a few things we've covered recently that make this month a great chance to take action on them.

  • Acquire Photography of Your Course
    f65e1dd42015ba60f8f2242caff23fc1-.jpgIf you haven't had any images taken of your great course conditions this season, now is your last chance. The next six weeks are about a great time of year to showcase your course conditions. I have previously recommended hiring a professional to do these, but if you can't get that done with the relatively short season left, do your best on your own. Here's another helpful post from last year about what shots to get if you are going DIY.


  • Work Now to Find Staff for Next Season
    dfda50cc07d455231136ae9b3e0d34a0-.jpgWhether you are seeking seasonal workers or interns, now is the time to get your information together and begin recruiting, not winter. Especially if you want to try the H2B program. While there are still some uncertainties about its future, many courses are utilizing it very well currently. We had a guest post cover the process back in the spring and it is worthy of a look again right now as the deadlines for applications are in the fall. I've worked with many superintendents on intern and assistant recruiting programs and websites to attract new talent and the timing almost always needs to be for this time of year to have everything compiled. Waiting around is not a good move, especially if you had trouble filling out your staff this past year.


  • Add TurfNet.com on your Device as an App
    917f8b95402ba9ae5454a0f806e62dce-.jpgAs much as I think that people know about saving websites as apps to their Android or iOS devices, the more I am wrong about it. At least half of the demos I provide for Coverage System one of the club staff doesn't know how to do this. So this is a very good article to check out because TurfNet works very well on your device and makes it easier to stay up to date on the industry. Plus, once you know the process for TurfNet, it can work for any other website as well.


  • Network with Non-Peers
    61141c56acc898ba5f632957bd7455f2-.jpgThis can't be repeated enough -- you need to get out of your comfort zone and network with those outside of turf. Golfers, GMs, even accountants and realtors. Anything you can do to create a more diverse network helps your odds of cashing in on a connection at another club who may be hiring. Talking to superintendents is great, but for finding a head GCS role there is way more value in various clubs members, GMs, golf pros and the like.


  • Technology Time Management
    ef013c81c53307eca40745de72c750ee-.jpgDon't let Twitter take over your life! There are very key ways to balance technology so you get the most out of it while limiting your exposure to all the downside of screen time. I put together a very detailed list of suggestions about this time last year and it would be a good chance to review it now as you may be getting a bit more free time with the cooler temps on the way this coming fall.

By doing these relatively small and easy tasks, you'll quickly be on the road to advancing your career and technology skills for the next challenge your career faces.


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