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Dr. Bill Kreuser: Clipping yield and managing turfgrass growth

Frank Rossi


23910d870cfce66ca67498f3fdd63bba-.jpgIn this episode, my old pal Dr. Bill Kreuser of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln returns for another visit to the Frankly Speaking virtual studio. We have a fascinating discussion about the current knowledge base about measuring clipping yield, GDD modeling, PGR use and managing for consistent turfgrass growth and optimal turfgrass health.


Is the "one-third rule" valid, or completely bogus? What happens at 50%? Where is the optimal interface of mowing height and frequency? How to use clipping yield to guide fertility and PGR use so you're not "driving down the road with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake..."


How about collar decline... should we be mowing our collars lower? Bill says, "YES!"


Spend a few minutes with Dr. Bill Kreuser and me to expand your knowledge base about managing turfgrass growth.


Presented by Civitas and DryJect.



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