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Let's Talk About Karma

Dave Wilber



About this time of year, every year, I get some similar communications. They may be different in content, but the context is simple. Sometime, during the course of the season, someone did someone wrong. Be it a GM throwing a super under the bus, a super trashing an assistant, a sales rep repeating something that was said in confidence, etc. You get the picture.


I studied this a while back when I didn't understand why bad stuff kept happening to good people. And vice versa. It made things make a lot more sense. Maybe it will help you. As these are, indeed, confusing times for many. 


And when asked about these things, my wise old agronomy guy spirit is replaced with the wise old guru spirit and I often talk about Karma. It's easy to explain bad things away with that word. A lot of people do that. I however, have a deeper understanding and have wanted to write about it. By the way, Wise Old Agronomist and Guru are not roles I seek. It just kind of happens. And I'm often too humble to admit how often.


Now, I realize that the word Karma can bring along some religious baggage. Try, for a moment, not to see this as an eastern religion concept. It's an old Sanskrit word, but the implications are used in nearly every humanist and theological circle. I promise, I'm not trying to convert you from whatever your belief is. But for sure, I see the same actions no matter the credo involved. I studied this a while back when I didn't understand why bad stuff kept happening to good people and to me. And vice versa. It made things make a lot more sense. Maybe it will help you. As these are, indeed, confusing times for many. 


The 12 Laws of Karma


1. The Great Law. Whatever we put into anything,  (the universe, to use hippie speak), will come back to us.


2. The Law of Creation. Things do not happen by themselves; we need to make them happen.


3. The Law of Humility. One must accept something in order to change it.


4. The Law of Growth. When we change ourselves, Our lives follow suit and change too.


5. The Law of Responsibility. We must take responsibility for what is in our lives.


6. The Law of Connection. The past, the present and the future are all connected.


7. The Law of Focus. It is impossible to think of two or more different things at the very same time.


8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality. Are we welcoming others by matching our behaviors to our thoughts and actions?


9. The Law of Here and Now. One can not be alive in the present if they are always looking backward.


10. The Law of Change. History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path.


11. The Law of Patience and Reward. The most valuable things require persistence in thoughts and actions.


12. The Law of Significance. Rewards are a direct result of the energy and effort we put into seeking.


OK. I get it. Kind of lofty stuff. But if you read that list a few times, how many of your life troubles or hassles could be better explained by one or more of those laws.


Here's an example. Evil GM or Club President or other person(s) of such loft rises to power and becomes a hassle. You survive. And the following year, another uprising. It's at this point, where you may want take a look at some Karmic Law and see if you are inviting this in, learning from the event, changing your path or simply giving it too much weight. Perhaps, one of the things that just happens, is that someone in power just always becomes an ass. And you, unless you leave the position or the place will have to understand this is how it works. And that in the end, you put your positive energy out there and you survive the ass uprising.


And so, the hard question is based on The Great Law. What did you put in, and what is now coming back at you. Perhaps with harder lessons every time.


Another. No matter what, your assistant, mechanic, or whoever just doesn't get it. So you finish the season in frustration, get them out the door and the same thing happens the following year. Could it be that the universe is trying to tell you that until you change your hire process or your training process that nothing is going to change? Back around the mountain you go. 


One more. You are a great super. Everyone would love to have your job. But marriage number 3 is on the rocks, your kids have grown up and don't know you and life isn't so fab. And so, the hard question is based on The Great Law. What did you put in, and what is now coming back at you? Perhaps with harder lessons every time. Do you think maybe change might help?


But marriage number 3 is on the rocks, your kids have grown up and don't know you and life isn't so fab...


Yeah. It's some heavy shit. Because Karma doesn't absolve us from responsibility. Instead, it makes for interesting dissection of what and who we are. And notice in each example, we are not looking at the faults of others. We are looking at ourselves. And that's the toughest thing to do. Often.


Here's a personal example from my process in this. For many years, I carried quite a big chip on my shoulder because my unique perspective and often outspoken views were not as accepted by the "agronomic establishment" as I wanted them to be. I watched other more politically correct turfheads rise in the scene and I knew that i was just better than they were, smarter, more creative, etc. I was often very pissed off when I would see something like a seminar lineup or event where I would have been a natural contributor. Silly. I know. wasted energy. But it was affecting me in a big way. It was trashing my focus. And I counted my actual accomplishments (like a pretty awesome gig at TurfNet) as lesser than they really are.


So I did some examination. Some really good mentors encouraged this, by the way. I wanted nothing to do with "growth" this way. And what have I learned? Simple. One, some of the things I believed were simply not so. A story made up. Simple as that. And two, that I often got in my own way with a focus set backward, instead of forward. Both of these things, indeed, kept me from putting good stuff out in the universe. Like I hope this is. Like every word I write or speak, now done with more intention as to who I am, and who I see in front of me.


I thought I'd share some spiritual wisdom for some of you who may be wondering, why?.


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Guest Todd Towery


Well said sir. I whole heartedly agree with your perspective on this after nearly 30 years in this business and a family that counts on me for more than just a paycheck. I enjoy your articles very much.

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Really nicely done Dave. Love how you tied it in to yourself in the last bit. The stories we tell ourselves on a daily basis are often the most difficult thing to let go of, even when they don't serve our greater narrative. We mistakenly believe that our minds are always right (kinds like when you find something on the internet and think..."well it must be true, its on the internet").

If we could find the time to drop the story, even for a moment, we gain access to a deeper truth...one that allows us to see clearly and make better decisions about our lives.

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