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Prepare in advance for unanticipated job openings...

Matt Leverich


As with any season in the golf industry, inevitable job losses have come in 2016. While it is an understandably hard time for those on the losing end, others see it as a possible bright new future for their career. And this event can happen at any time; even your dream job can open up unexpectedly. You should always have your career materials ready to go, just in case. It's too risky to not be ready when so few of these superintendent positions open up. 

Recent activity brought this old issue to the forefront for me. I received a multitude of requests for career work to meet a very tight application deadline. I accepted all I could and had to turn the rest down. Although I offered to work on the projects after the deadline so these professionals are ready for the next big one, very few were interested. This is not the way to operate... waiting until an opening appears and then frantically putting your life's work together. 
This is a call-to-action, a chance to be proactive with your career. Don't wait until it's too late! 
In 2014, I wrote a comprehensive post on things you can do to prepare now. I encourage you to read it and begin work today.
And also remember that it is critical to create a professional image, not a DIY, spare-time one, as laid out in this earlier post.
If you are in the job market at all -- and realistically speaking, just about everyone might be some day -- do yourself a favor and have your career materials current and ready in advance.


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