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LIVE from the Ryder Cup: Turf Gel

Paul MacCormack


Beyond the spectacle, the perfect turf conditions and the insane merchandise tent, there is one thing that stands out more than anything else at this 41st edition of the Ryder Cup. It is community. It is the connection that only seems to come when greenkeepers, researchers, and industry representatives gather to work toward a common goal.



I got to spend some time with my fellow TurfNet contributor, Dr. Frank Rossi.


We have discussed the power of connection here on this blog before, (the ties that bind), but I have never experienced the deep sense of community and teamwork that has come from working together to produce the top notch conditions that exist this week at Hazeltine. They came from Sweden, the UK, Thailand, and even Prince Edward Island, Canada to help polish these playing surfaces into some of the best that have ever been produced.



That's me with Chris Tritabaugh © and my fellow PEI superintendent, Mark Perry, on the right.


As we gathered for the orientation, Hazeltine superintendent Chris Tritabaugh told us one thing. As he laid out the framework for what needed to be accomplished, he told us that since we were all professional superintendents he had no worries. He knew that we would handle the job. Whatever needed to happen, we would come together as a team and figure it out.


It is an incredibly powerful message for an accomplished group of professionals to hear. Borders faded, nationalism evaporated, and a feeling of Zen-like confidence has overtaken the crew. We know when we gather in the dark each morning to saddle up and head out onto the course, there is no issue that cannot be handled.



Fun is part of the volunteer experience.


No matter which team takes home the Ryder Cup, the experience and the memories that the Hazeltine turf crew and volunteers take away will be invaluable. Long after the roars of the crowds fade and the long flights home are done, we will all treasure the experience of community forever. 



Heading out.

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