No trees, storm cleanup a breeze...
This week we received about six inches of rain, four inches of that coming within a few hours on Friday.
Monday started the week off being dry and windy. When using a moisture meter, the greens were reading 4-5% after the weekend. It would be scary if they were bentgrass greens, but since we have fescue, they have good tolerance to heat and lack of moisture at the top three inches but there is plenty of moisture below that.
With the dry and windy weather, the sand from the bunkers was blowing out. We placed pallets on the worst bunker faces to help retain the sand in the bunkers.
Tuesday, we received two inches of rain throughout the day. We worked through the rain cutting fairways and greens because the course is all sand and drains instantly. It was nice to help rehydrate the course and the rain helps hold down the sand so it does not blow around.
Friday was just a crazy day in general. We had max winds of 45 miles/hour and 4 inches of rain in the early mornings. Work was canceled, but I came in to help with some tree removals on the roads and tried to put the flags back in after the storm, which only stuck around until 12 pm. We only have two trees on the course so the only things we had to clean up were the pins after the flags blew out of them.
Even though this weather is unusual for November and usually happens in their winter, it was still neat to see how quickly the course soaked up the rain and could be playable after four inches of rain. Side note, not having trees on the course makes cleanup much more manageable.
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