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After four years and six internships, this is it!

Patrick Andrews


This is it. My time at Tara Iti and in New Zealand is done. Just about four years since beginning the process for my bachelor’s at Ohio State and six internships, including Bob O’ Link, Merion, Muirfield, Vineyard, and Adare Golf Club. After six months of working, I am in my last internship and final moments at Tara Iti Golf Club. 

Working at Tara Iti has been an unforgettable experience, and I had unlimited opportunities for learning thanks to Brian Palmer, Dylan Griffin, and Hayden Stuthridge. I learned about the native plants and the conservation program implemented to help the wildlife and protect the dunes. I learned about the management of fine fescue during the unpredictable environmental conditions that challenged Tara Iti every week. I had the opportunity to grow in a private green. But most importantly, I learned the importance of having a solid work environment. 

My final week at Tara Iti was packed with things to do. One of them being hiking the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. The hike is located down south and takes around seven hours. But it is worth it since the scenery is breathtaking (literally and figuratively).


The Emerald Lakes at Tongariro Alpine Crossing, Tongariro National Park.

After my hike, I made a stop at Hamilton Gardens. The garden had to be one of the top gardens I have been to because of all the different themed gardens.

After my short road trip, I played the South course at Te Arai Links with the interns from that course. I had my final lawn bowling on Tuesday. Then I played 18 at Tara Iti Wednesday. The cookout after work with the crew on Thursday finished off the week, where we had a beer, and Brian made steaks for everyone.


Above, my last night at bowls. Below, my last round of golf at Tara Iti (left to right, myself, Jack Sudnikovich, Graeme Jones, Hamish Harding)


Sadly, I am leaving the course, but I am beyond grateful to the people I have met at Tara Iti and the impact that they have had on me. Thank you TurfNet for letting me share my story and Mike O’Keefe and Dr. Nangle for setting me up with this internship. I would especially like to thank Brian Palmer for creating a great working environment and challenging me to try new things. In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.


The team at work.

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Patrick, Thanks to you for sharing your blogs/experiences with everyone. Thanks to Jon Kiger and the team at TurfNet for making this happen. I hope these blogs will inspire another students to go overseas. You completed the Double like Peter Braun, and that is what I hope others will realize, all things are possible if you the student are willing and able. We are so fortunate to have open minded people like Alan MacDonald and Brian Palmer out there, who gladly buy into my crazy ideas. I know you will be a great ambassador Patrick for Ohio State where every you go now as you had a life changing experience. 

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