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Post GIS Planning Guide... for July

Dave Wilber


Here we go. The GIS Show Wrap Up. Lets go aisle by aisle and row by row and take a look at the best (and worst) of the GIS.

Yawn. Seriously?  No.
It's time to get Trade Show Sales Rodeo Season out of your head and Winter out of your fur. Agronomy. That's the mantra. Agronomy.
I live in an area where we have coastal, desert, mountain, transition and all the other flavors of climate. So the typical winter break for me is never typical. The 12-month season isn't for everyone. But neither is the 3-month season. It is what it is. And we all make the best of it.
For everyone, regardless of climate or grass type, February and early March has got to be about agronomic planning for spring and summer. That's that. There's no great July without a great plan and a map to get there. So let's look at what a good set of plans really looks like. There's three factors: the schedule, the budget and the personnel.

There's no great July without a great plan and a map to get there...

Yawn. Seriously? No.
You can read that crap anywhere. And sure, fill dry erase boards and laminated calendars with all the good ideas you think you have. And why not have a master calendar for the Pro Shop not to follow and ask you to aerify two weeks later because suddenly revenue is important?
a14b5454f2d8b6d576645fc8abec2d25-.jpgDon't get me wrong. I like planning. No. I love planning. But I sure see a lot of wasted time developing plans that don't really connect with the golf course.
When we are thinking agronomy, we have to look at the reality that things are not going to be the same from year to year, from month to month. Sure, some things have to be on the calendar, but some things definitely are not.
So here's my challenge to you. Start recording the following simple basics:
  • Daily Temperature Highs and Lows
  • Temps at 6am, 10 am and 2 pm (both Soil and Air)
  • Soil Moisture (pick a couple greens and a couple fairways at the minimum)

You don't have to be ultra sophisticated. Just start recording the data. In the first year, it won't bring you a ton of info for the sake of comparison. But in years to come, it will pay you rich dividends. With this, you can start to run the numbers and determine when key moments are to be in your agronomic program.



Sure, you can scour the trade show floors looking for the best products, but put them out with the wrong timing and you've succeeded in nothing. Nothing at all.
Gee, Dave. That's too simple. I want to overthink everything and so that's just not enough info.  Once again. Yawn.
Develop some data. See the trends. Then start planning. Here comes July.


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