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Dave Wilber


c439fcf94deabfa4843bd5a45fd2547c-.jpgFor the last week, I've been talking a ton about water. It's kind of how it goes this time of year and crossing all the climate, locations and turf types that I work with, there is a universal truth. Spring brings on irrigation.


A good thing would be to take a look at one of the more popular posts that I've made since being made into a blogger by Maestro McCormick. You can find it here. May be a good refresher and very refreshing! (I'm starting to channel Randy Wilson, is there a spray for this condition?).


Honestly, since writing that post, there seems to have been nothing but years of strange weather and abnormal weather events all over. But one thing rings true, Turfheads just want to water. It's like this box that just has to be checked, the nose that must be picked, the butt that must be... you get the picture.

The explanation of how Poa cannot check out in April or May if it needs to support the Ladies' 9-Hole Regional Golf and Bridge Festival Day in August was laid on me in all the expected forms.

The feedback over my admonitions of not watering or watering with flair and style befitting springtime has been overwhelmingly positive. A great email from a wise TurfWizard told me in detail how monitoring of moisture had delayed his initial irrigation by weeks and reduced the water used when irrigation had to occur by more than 30% with results that were nothing short of greatness. 


There were, as there always seem to be, a few communications telling me that I just don't get it. The explanation of how Poa cannot check out in April or May if it needs to support the Ladies' 9-Hole Regional Golf and Bridge Day in August was laid on me in all the expected forms. And that's where being a fear based tufhead is a bad thing because that kind of thinking leads to all kinds of Chicken Little management decisions and still, dead grass. Go figure.


Now, I am not saying that the

of Perfection will enter your life if you stay away from the pump station. But I am saying that spring is the perfect, and mostly safe time to really see what the plant actually needs and in most cases, it's way less than we think. 


Time to do some thinking (or not thinking) about Spring Irrigation.


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