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An inventory of joyfulness... Or, a few of my favorite things

Paul MacCormack


A few posts back I touched on thankfulness. It is a powerful tool we can use to not only connect to our inner selves, but to those around us that matter most.


It can also be very helpful to reflect on those things that bring us true joy. I'm not talking about things that make us happy... I mean those things in our lives that create those moments that make life worth living. Those things that only we know; the ones that strike a chord deep inside and bring us both lasting peace and contentment.


As I was changing holes last week, I found myself creating my own personal list. It is by no means a complete list -- nor is it in any particular order -- just an inventory of joyfulness.

  • Family and Friends - My wife and three kids are the best part of my life, hands down, and they bring me immense joy. I am also very fortunate to be part of two very large families that provide a never ending source of love and support. I don't have a very extensive group of friends per se, but those that make up my small circle are very dear to me. I also count myself very fortunate to be part of the extensive family that not only makes up the TurfNet community, but also the global fraternity of Greenkeepers.
  • Music - I love listening, playing (guitar, ukulele, pretending to play piano & drums) attending concerts... just about anything that connects me with tunes.
  • Solitude - I always knew that being alone and quiet was vital to my well-being, but it was not until I discovered meditation that it really clicked. I am pretty sure that's why I enjoy greenkeeping so much... changing holes, mowing fairways, plugging greens... lots of time to be alone.

I always knew that being alone and quiet was vital to my well-being, but it was not until I discovered meditation that it really clicked. I am pretty sure that's why I enjoy greenkeeping so much...

  • Reading and Writing - If you had asked me to create this list a few years back, reading or writing would not have even made the practice squad. I never read much at all as a young'un... I wrote even less... but now they are a couple of my favorite pastimes (and I get to be alone...)
  • Being Physically Fit - I love the way my whole being feels when my fitness is tuned in. Everything just feels right and it is really fun keeping up with your kids on a playground. Unfortunately "fit" is not a word I would use to describe my current physical state... but it's only a few push ups away...
  • Teaching & Learning - These two sort of go hand in hand. They are both fantastic benefits of being superintendents and I love when opportunities to do either one comes up. As with life in general, teaching just enough and learning as much as you can make it all worthwhile.
  • Landscaping and Building Sand Castles  - These two may not fit together perfectly, but when I am lost in creating either one, time seems to disappear. I m not much for planting things -- I usually stick to the hardscape stuff -- and nothing can make a day at the beach better than a good sand castle.
  • Greenkeeping and Golf Architecture  - I am not a great golfer, but I love my job and love the creativity that accompanies the game. I love seeing great golf courses being created and I love lending a hand. This summer I got to renovate a problematic green and build a brand new bunker... and I forgot how much damn fun it is to build stuff. 

So next time you are out changing holes or daydreaming on a mower, take a moment and connect with those things that make you truly joyful... I guarantee it will make your day just a wee bit better.


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