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Impact of a Handwritten Note, Again

Matt Leverich


It's that time of year -- sending holiday cards to friends and family, spending more time at home and thinking of others are all things that make the holidays unique. And while it is very important to do what's mentioned, it is just as critical to think about your professional network and how you can improve upon it for the coming new year, as you never know what may be in store. This provides an opportunity to reach out to your network of peers, club officials, members, and more, because most will not do it.

Guessing where I am going yet? It's time for my annual reminder on the impact of a handwritten note. There is still nothing better at creating a meaningful connection or gesture, and it can be done so easily for little cost. I've written an in-depth piece on it (http://www.turfnet.com/blog/15/entry-469-the-impact-of-a-handwritten-note/) last year, but that is ages ago in today's digital world. This is so important I like to offer the advice at around this time every year.

A highlight from the Harvard Business Review:

"While saying thank you is important, the beauty of a well-crafted handwritten note is that it can show deeper investment and appreciation than a simple thank-you can. It can follow up on a conversation, remind someone they're not forgotten, raise new issues, or even include a gift that carries its own meaning. And in a world where so much communication is merely utilitarian, these simple acts of investment, remembrance, gratitude, and appreciation can show the people who matter to your life and business that they are important to you."

While saying thank you is important, the beauty of a well-crafted handwritten note is that it can show deeper investment and appreciation than a simple thank-you can...

Why not spend some time this month crafting and sending a few notes out? It will be well worth your time. Try to target these categories and people:

  • All Green Committee members, thanking them for their volunteer service to your club
  • Every club official and manager
  • Industry peers that you hope to further your connection with, or those that are already close to you
  • Anyone else who may be able to have a positive impact on your career

You can use your club collateral or have some custom cards made with your name and title, just make sure to have it look as professional as possible to show the seriousness of your career. I've provided many of my clients with such collateral to match their resume/website to further enhance their brand. It works and every little bit helps.


I'd also like to show my appreciation to TurfNet and all of you who read this blog. I enjoy offering knowledge I have learned through this industry and hope it brings added value to your career and to TurfNet, the best online resource for golf course superintendents.

My wife sends out cards this month to those close to us, and while I can't mail one to you, I've included the back of the card below as a small way to share personally with you this year. I value all connections in the turfgrass industry and wish you all nothing but the best in the coming year.



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