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Neutralizing The Irrational Member



Something dark and evil has triggered a mysterious surge in the number of Irrational Member incidents on golf courses everywhere.

Irrational Member Syndrome, (IMS) can strike anywhere, especially during the summer stress period.  Oddly enough, IMS is more prevalent at the finest courses, those that are maintained at such a high level that it is hard to find fault with the course playability, aesthetics or budget management.  When the GCS at this type of facility is attacked by an Irrational Member, it often comes as a shock to everyone involved.

Oddly enough, IMS is more prevalent at the finest courses . . .

The very finest superintendents are typically the first targets of the Irrational Member.  (Hence, the name Irrational Member.)

What causes IMS?

Here at The Rock, we think we know.  We suppress IMS through a number of strategies and PYSOP techniques, but it is imperative to determine exactly what is causing the member to destabilize.  Only then can you implement the corrective procedures.

There are several excellent tactics for coping with IMS on the TurfNet Forum, but for those of you without the necessary security clearance or a TurfNet Membership, we Here at The Rock have compiled a short video “White Paper” on the various causes of IMS and methods that have worked for us in containing the problem.


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