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An amazing adventure...

Paul Van Buren


paul_sig.jpgI have to apologize for the tardiness of this summary post, but between the holidays and jet lag and the flu incurred during the very long flight home, it has taken me a long time to get back on my feet. But I did want to make one last post as an homage to my experience over perhaps the most professionally enlightening experience one could even imagine.

Pictures cannot capture the dedication of the 45 full-time staff members who care for this 36-hole golf mecca. From the moment you step foot into the futuristic Royal Melbourne maintenance facility, you are met with the most proud, professional, enjoyable human beings on the planet. And it absolutely starts at the top.

...the most professionally enlightening experience one could even imagine.

100% of the dynamic of the perfection/imperfection (however your choose to appreciate it) of Royal Melbourne comes from Richard Forsyth. Richard is the man. An absolute legend in his own time. His morning assignment meetings were poignantly hilarious and a great time for Richard to riff with his staff over the prior days follies. Down to every little detail, Richard and his managers got 55 volunteers in lock-step with the regular staff in just a few days.


Richard Forsyth (c) with Peter Braun and me.

It has been really refreshing for me to be able to write about my experiences during this trip. It was an amazing adventure. I've been fortunate to travel the world with my wife, but getting to travel for work and to experience golf in a completely different culture has been inspiring beyond expectation, to say the least.



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