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Communicating impending events: two different strategies

Peter McCormick


Back when I supported and shepherded salespeople for a living and they would tell me they were working on a big deal they felt positive about happening, I would counsel them to keep it quiet for the time being.


"If you make a big deal about it now but something happens and the deal falls through, you'll look like a jerk. On the other hand, if you keep it quiet and then it DOES happen, you're a hero."


Pretty simple. I recall something about counting chickens that would be applicable here.


Now, on the other hand, if you have the slightest inkling that something BAD might be impending -- such as the winter damage scenario that may unfold across the snow belt in the coming month -- you'd better get WAY out in front of it and tell EVERYONE who will listen that there MAY be a problem.


Unleash every private communication avenue you have at your disposal -- but best keep it off the public channels. Cite relevant publications. Gather data, the more the better.


Everyone likes good surprises. NOBODY likes bad ones.


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