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Being the New Guy...

Joseph Fearn


066e6df4fb4ffcc2143f055710b25a76-.pngBeing the "new guy" can be difficult. When entering a new position or situation it is only normal to feel some uncertainty and to try to come up with strategies that make transition easier. Having been a kid in a military family and having switched positions several times in my green career, I have learned several tips for making the best of a new situation. Now as a new TurfNet blogger, I am in the new guy ranks again.

Don't come on too strong.

The team that you are entering into has a history. Just because you weren't there doesn't mean they weren't working hard and trying to get the job done. While the experience and knowledge you may bring to the situation is something they may benefit from, take it slow and evaluate what is currently in place.

Seek a shared story or experience.

For the most part, people get along with people like themselves. While diverse backgrounds and talents can ultimately strengthen a team, shared experience can be a foot in the door. Look for ways that the current crew is working like you do, or look for accomplishments they have that you have experienced also. Talking about struggles or success you guys have had doing the same job can build understanding.

Speak the same language at their level.

Using the terminology and trade jargon of your crew can show you understand the job. But not everyone needs to understand genus and species when common names will do and vice versa. Try to talk with your audience/crew, not at them.

Be true to yourself.

This is a big one. Regardless if the new job is a promotion from within, or you came from another operation three states away, your core traits have gotten you there. The most accomplished and respected people are not pretending to be someone. The best people in a field at any level are reflecting and practicing what they truly believe. Being honest, and staying true to your values and convictions is important.

Be Patient

Rome wasn't built in a day, nor will your operation become what you want it to be overnight. Many people get a say in what will take shape. Navigating and managing problems, developing key relationships, and establishing a positive team culture takes time. Enjoy the slow progress and small steps of consistent improvement.

These strategies have helped me over the years in a variety of situations. I hope to remember these points as I establish the direction of my TurfNet blog. They have worked well at times and not so well at others. I have also not had to use all of them together. Each situation has its own peculiarities.


Quite honestly sometimes in the thick of things I'll forget some of the lessons I have learned. This is only normal. The key thing really is to keep trying to learn and do your best. Most people see that and appreciate it.


Recommended Comments

Randy Wilson


Welcome, Joe the New Guy,

As a hardened Army Brat, I suffered through a lot of NG trauma, but not here--the TurfNet family is an easy-going, cerebral bunch. (except for me)



Looking forward to reading your work.


Paul MacCormack


Welcome aboard Joe, welcome to the Turfnet family. We are really a pretty level headed bunch...except for Randy...I worry about that guy sometimes.

Can't wait to read your work


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