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The City That Never Sleeps

Parker Stancil


To work in Denmark, anyone from another country needs either a work visa or a residence/work permit. As I will be spending only three months overseas, I only need a temporary residence permit. For Americans, these are available only in major cities.

Living in South Carolina, my best option for the mandatory visa appointment was the VFS Global office in New York City. VFS Global is worldwide company that does outsourcing and technology services for governments and diplomatic missions.

In late March of 2018, I made the trip and found the VFS office on the 9th floor of a massive building along with many other companies. A single floor housed enough offices for several separate companies!


A list of a bunch of different companies on the same floor of a single building!


Office selfie! The visa agent lady ran away before I could catch her in the picture.

I stayed the night  in a hotel right in the middle of Manhattan. NYC is known as the city that never sleeps, and the name is very fitting. The streets run crazy with traffic every single hour of each day, and customers constantly run through shops on every block.


Times Square was bumper to bumper and shoulder to shoulder.


$170 hotel rooms are super tiny in Manhattan.

The paperwork and appointment process for the permit were quite a hassle, but I had amazing help from Peter Kold and Line Trier, two of the management personnel for Great Northern Golf Club. Line and Peter provided all the necessary information I needed to make the process go as smoothly as possible. This was a great help for me, considering I was unfamiliar with the large city lifestyle.


Line (pronounced like the American Lena) Trier, the backbone of Great Northerns management staff.

My appointment was not what I expected. VFS personnel took my fingerprints and profile pictures for their databases and questioned me about why I wanted to travel to Denmark. After a long wait and enormous amounts of paperwork, I was finally approved by the Consulate General to stay in Denmark for the summer.


This American is DK bound!

With a few hours of free time before I had to head back home. I mapped out out a route around Manhattan to see as much as I could while I was there. I visited Trump Tower (my personal favorite), the Empire State Building, St. Patricks Cathedral, and Times Square.

During my brief trip, I encountered people from various ethnic backgrounds and languages. This was a great eye-opener for me because I realized how much of a challenge my summer may be while living a different lifestyle and dealing with the language barrier between Danish and English.


New York was quite the trip. I'm sad I only spent a day and a half there, but I'm glad I could adventure out into a different part of the country... while representing the one and only TurfNet!


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