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Before closing out the summer... Copenhagen!

Parker Stancil


Before my time at Great Northern ran too short, I decided to take a little day trip to Copenhagen City, the capital of Denmark. I dragged my buddy, Jack Darling, to Copenhagen so he could see the city as well… and he had a car, so I saved money by not buying a train ticket!

To get to Copenhagen, we had to cross the Storebælt Bridge, also known as the Great Belt Fixed Link Bridge. This 6,790-meter-long bridge connects the two islands Zealand and Funen (the island Great Northern is on). It opened in 1998 after a costly price of 21 billion Krone (~3.5 billion USD), and you’re charged 240 Krone (~38 USD) to cross the bridge each way!


Headed toward Copenhagen.

Don’t be nervous to visit Copenhagen, because no matter where you’re from, chances are you’ll have an embassy to visit if needed! Copenhagen holds embassies for 74 different foreign countries.


The Swedish Embassy, one of many within the city. Photo taken out the car window.

We drove into the north side of Copenhagen to see the Little Mermaid Statue, based on the story written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. It was built in 1913.


Sitting at the water’s edge, the Little Mermaid attracts thousands of tourists each day.

On the way to the most famous palace, we walked past the Christiansborg Palace. This is home to the offices of Danish Parliament, Supreme Court, and the Prime Minister. Construction began in 1733.


A view from the front courtyard.

Then we made it to the big Amalienborg Palace, which is a home for the Danish Royal family. Its split into 4 different classic-style palaces around a courtyard. Each of the 4 palaces is named after a previous King. This was built in 1760. 



In the courtyard, you can find the Royal Life Guards. They patrol the palace grounds day and night.


Super serious.

Copenhagen has tons of statues to pay tribute to deceased historical/political figures. This is King Christian the 10th. He was King from 1912 to 1947. 


Many statues of different previous Kings stand on blocks all around the city.

Close to the Christian X statue, you can find “Nyhavn” (pronounced New-Hown), which means New Harbor. This waterfront district of Copenhagen was established in the 17th-century. The oldest house in Nyhavn was built in 1681.



Looking good in my TurfNet hat, probably the first one ever in Copenhagen!

Make sure to plan your trips with lots of detail and preparation… you may end up lost like old Spidey here!


Our final destination was Tivoli Gardens, the 2nd oldest functional amusement park in the world and gardens that opened in 1843. On average, Tivoli Gardens receives over 4 million visitors per year. 


There’s several different roller coasters and tons of booths with carnival-style games and cuisines from many foreign countries. 


The “Daemon” towered over us as we first walked in.


There are a few different dropping towers, swinging rides, and more all over the park.

I managed to convince Jack to try the Demon coaster with me, and it was great! 


Going up the Demon!


Although it may be scary to some, the views from the top of the Demon are great.




Jack and I enjoying a simple cheeseburger in Tivoli Gardens. Thank goodness we ate after the Demon!

Copenhagen was a blast, however, Jack and I could only visit for a few hours on a Sunday. Personally, I’d suggest visiting Copenhagen over an entire weekend, so you can really experience the city and appreciate the crazy new and old architecture up and down every block… and also spend a full day at Tivoli Gardens of course!


I want to visit Copenhagen again, and I’m sure Jack would agree with me on that!



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