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Day 1 at Royal Melbourne: Full Throttle

Paul Van Buren


paul_sig.jpgSetting out on foot for our first shift at Royal Melbourne was an experience that kept me up most of the night. Anxiety and anticipation are now going to be a thing of the past, replaced with pure excitement.

Richard Forsyth welcomed us before the morning assignments and the volunteer orientation. The maintenance facility at Royal Melbourne is extremely functional, and revolutionary as far as I was concerned. Everything has a space and a purpose.

It’s probably difficult for a permanent staff to absorb a group of volunteers that nearly doubles its size, but everyone worked together to ensure a seamless transition to "full throttle".

I can’t wait to see what the next few days holds! I’m so excited to see some golf played on these surfaces!





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Keep up the nice work Paul, really enjoy reading the blog and love checking out the photos. Give us a little insight to their bunker maintenance/prep, what they do and don’t if you get a chance. Thanks and have fun!

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