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Rising Star of Turf: James Morgan, Wicker Point GC

Peter McCormick


James Morgan was fresh out of Lake City Community College (now Florida Gateway College) and a summer/part-time stint at the Country Club of Orlando when he followed CCO superintendent Kasey Kauff to build Trinity Forest in Dallas. Morgan started as an assistant and was promoted to superintendent during his 5+ year stay at the Coore/Crenshaw layout. That Coore/Crenshaw connection led him to being selected to grow in Wicker Point Golf Club on Lake Martin, the first new golf construction in Alabama since 2004.

Wicker Point opened for play last week, culminating Morgan's efforts since he arrived there in March, 2021. In this conversation with Peter McCormick, James relates how his experiences and connections (including Green Start Academy) led him to this point in his career and as a TurfNet Rising Star of Turf.


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