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Golf and Radical Felinism

Randy Wilson


Rockbottum CC has never managed to get one of our golf course dogs into the TurfNet Superintendents Best Friend Calendar.  Its not like we havent tried hard, its just that the level of competition is so high.  After all, this is the Big One, The Original, The First golf course dog centerfold calendar . . . it should be tough to be selected.  Weve tried everything bribery and threats, pleading and whining but nothing has worked.



This year, when we realized Bosco and Chopper had been turned down again, we flew into fits of depression . . . until we learned that we had been victims of a conspiracy.



The photos we submitted were apparently intercepted by elements of Radical Felinism, (highly trained, elderly cat ladies adept at spreading vicious anti-dog propaganda) and replaced with vile, disgusting kitten pictures, leading to our immediate disqualification.


Its quite possible that this has been happening to others, so we at Rockbottum urge you to protect yourself against Radical Felinistic agitators by studying the following video.



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