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The Day Our CEO Learned Customer Service

Randy Wilson


Once upon a time, back in '86, our struggling golf course was absorbed by a mighty Japanese course management operation.  They were inebriated with financial success and very quick to deny purchase orders of any kind, but especially the irrigation or insecticide kind.


Now it was about this time that the fearsome Fire Ant, (pronounced Far Aint) overran golf courses in the ATL area, especially courses with their shields down.  These little insectoid Visigoths and their mounds were everywhere and it was terrible.  


You couldn't sit, stand or walk on the ground.  Fire Ants had a technique that involved quietly swarming their victim and waiting until the lead Fire Ant blew a whistle; then they all chomped down at the same time.


Our CEO visited from Japan one hot summer day and went out to inspect the course.  He was an arrogant bas, businessman and refused to acknowledge me when I asked him about purchase orders and maybe getting an occasional paycheck.


I was watching when he placed his putter on a fire ant mound to keep the grip dry while he hit a wedge shot around #2 green.  I was still watching moments later when he discovered hundreds of angry fire ants had infiltrated his underwear and commenced the attack.


managed to insult us at least 14 times in one sentence.

My brother Mike happened along--due to the magic of radios--as did Matt Jones and Pat Stewart.  The four of us, all future Superintendents, watched in uncontrolled glee as our CEO did a spasmodic high-speed striptease while shrieking oaths in Japanese directly at us.  He sounded like John Belushi doing Samurai Golfer and managed to insult us at least 14 times in just one sentence.  Having just left the US Army, we were very impressed at his oathing ability.


CEO guy became a convert to targeted Customer Service that day.  (We had insecticide before quitting time.)


In the vein of Customer Service, here is our second released-in-May-and-ignored short film, a piece on Wooing The Customer.  Give it a try.




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