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My aims and intentions in Europe...

Peter McCormick


So why am I doing this?  For more reasons than one would probably expect.


3827806a390420c8b271fee25e166f4a-.jpgMy family is originally from Colderu' in the North of Italy. My grandfather immigrated to Mexico in 1883 to help bring Italian knowledge of agricultural practices to that country. Having the opportunity to explore the roots of my ancestors is a great privilege. Italy and Spain have some of the richest history and culture in the world and I am looking forward to exploring and learning more. I am also excited to soak up the sun and sea!


My wife has been in Europe this summer working on her masters degree in education.  I planned my visit to coincide with the end of her studies so that we can enjoy some time in Europe together. I will be in Europe for a little over two weeks. 


I am interested in building relationships internationally to increase my knowledge about golf from all possible aspects and use that knowledge to grow the game of golf. In Italy I will be visiting Northern Italy, Milano, and Florence in the Tuscan region. In Spain I will be visiting Barcelona and Costa del Sol (Club de Golf Valderrama, Finca Cortesin, Real de Sotogrande, Real Club de Golf Las Brisas, and a few others) I have connected with superintendents from courses in these areas and have plans to visit with them and tour their courses.


I have a strong belief that learning about other cultures is a key to building stronger relationships, both personally and professionally, which leads to stronger business.  During my visits I hope to learn about how the culture of different people and regions influences the superintendent profession, and on a larger scale, the golf industry.  Water conservation, sustainable development and renewable energy are integral to the future of the golf industry.  These countries face unique challenges in these areas and have a depth of knowledge that I can learn from.



Roberto Cruz with me after I received my CGCS certificate.


My assistant, Roberto, and the phenomenal maintenance crew at Southern Oaks will be taking care of the course while I am away.


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