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Matt Crowther's Fantasy Vacation

Randy Wilson


A while back, we released a short film starring Matt Crowther and it rocketed to #2 on the all time list of Rockbottum CC films, with over 250,000 hits.  

Produced in a team effort--a key factor in TurfNet's high quality production--this film began as an idea in the high speed mind of Jon Kiger while visiting Matt.

Jon provided 2nd unit camera work, Matt displayed his acting ability, Rockbottum CC Films piled on and after Claire finished editing, we knew we had a winner.  *Note:  Buddy and RW are not acting, that's just them.

Because we've noticed everybody has gotten wrapped too tight again, we decided to provide TurfNetters with a diversion.

Here for your entertainment, is one of our favorite films, Matt Crowther's Fantasy Vacation. 




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