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Jim Pavonetti, CGCS, Fairview Country Club, Greenwich, Connecticut

John Reitman


title slide.jpgThe latest TurfNet All Star of Turf is Jim Pavonetti, CGCS, of Fairview Country Club in Greenwich, Connecticut.

A graduate of the Rutgers University turfgrass program, Pavonetti has developed a reputation for providing exceptional playing conditions while also being recognized for his efforts at producing an environmentally friendly landscape.

In his 17th season at Fairview, Pavonetti previously was superintendent at the Edison Club and the West Point Golf Course at the U.S. Military Academy.

In this episode of All Stars of Turf, Pavonetti discusses the importance of his work in government relations and how it benefits the turf industry, his penchant for great golf course photography and the importance of superintendents promoting their efforts while also meeting the exacting standards of a largely New York City membership.



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