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Frankly Speaking with David Bataller of the PGA Catalunya Resort, Girona, Spain

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with David Bataller, Director of Golf Operations at PGA Catalunya Resort near Barcelona, Spain.   An admittedly bad student who was "fired from high school", David went on to high school and riding BMX bikes in Kansas before embarking on his career at PGA Catalunya. After serving as golf course superintendent for 15 years, he was recently promoted to Director of Golf Operations. David quips that he has never been fired from a golf cours

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Frankly Speaking (again) with Jim Wagner of Hanse Design

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat again with Jim Wagner of the Hanse Design Group, this time about the intersection of golf course design and maintenance in this era of moving targets and shifting requirements within golf.   How critical is the golf course superintendent in a renovation project? Wagner says that the ultimate success of a project can be predicted by gauging the enthusiasm level of the superintendent, and that often depends on their inclusion in early conversat

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Jim Koppenhaver of Pellucid Corp: Reaching future equilibrium

In yet another fascinating discussion, Jim Koppenhaver of Pellucid Corp, brings us up to speed on the current state of the golf industry.   In an era of flat is the new up, 2017 was a "solid sideways" for golf. Some metrics, however, are indicating that the slide of recent years is abating somewhat. How long will it take for supply, demand, playable hours and other factors to reach an equilibrium of health and vitality for the industry?   What can we learn from tennis and ski

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Dr. Bill Kreuser: Clipping yield and managing turfgrass growth

In this episode, my old pal Dr. Bill Kreuser of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln returns for another visit to the Frankly Speaking virtual studio. We have a fascinating discussion about the current knowledge base about measuring clipping yield, GDD modeling, PGR use and managing for consistent turfgrass growth and optimal turfgrass health.   Is the "one-third rule" valid, or completely bogus? What happens at 50%? Where is the optimal interface of mowing height and frequency? How to u

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Talking Bluemuda with Brian Winka, CFSM

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Brian Winka, CSFM, about the benefits of "Bluemuda" vs the "insanity" of the traditional process of overseeding Bermudagrass on sports fields and golf courses in the south and transition zone.   Presented by DryJect/Maximus and Civitas/Intelligro.  

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Steve Mona of the World Golf Foundation on the State of the Game

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Steve Mona, CEO of the World Golf Foundation and previously CEO of the GCSAA. Topics include the rebound of the Tiger Effect and it's influence on the "green grass channel"; getting new golfers to the point of playing well enough that they enjoy the game; making golf more accessible (and user friendly) at every level of facility; altering perceptions of the game among potential new golfers; effects of course design and conditioning on the experien

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Government Affairs update with GCSAA

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, Frank chats with Chava McKeel, Bob Helland and Michael Lee of the GCSAA Government Affairs staff about current issues trending on national, regional and local legislative agendas.   Presented by DryJect and Intelligro/Civitas.  

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

A "Ted" Talk with the Legendary Ted Horton, CGCS

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Ted Horton, CGCS, legendary superintendent at Winged Foot and Westchester Country Club as well as VP of Resource Management at Pebble Beach, and board member of Audubon International. Now living in California, Ted is is currently a Sr. Consulting Superintendent for Brightview, specializing in environmental stewardship; golf course safety, security and risk management; tournament preparations; turfgrass agronomics and the administrative functions o

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Real Science Behind Climate Change, with Dr. Art DeGaetano

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, Frank Rossi chats with Dr. Art DeGaetano of Cornell University about the underlying science of climate change. Dr. DeGaetano is a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University and Director of the Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC) at Cornell.   Art's PhD in climatology and horticulture from Rutgers uniquely positions him to understand and explain climate influences on man-made and biological systems.

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Mike Huck: The California drought is over... what's next?

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Mike Huck of Irrigation and Turf Services in Orange County, CA, one of the foremost experts in water availability, usage, regulation and what it all means for the golf course industry.    We talk about the end of the California drought, trends in overseeding, painting and turf reduction; costs of treating vs transporting water; use of hand-held vs in-ground soil moisture sensors, among other things.    We wind up with what we h

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Dr. Al Turgeon, professor emeritus at Penn State

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Dr. Al Turgeon, professor emeritus at Penn State University, about his career evolvement from the golf course to Viet Nam and through academia, with a brief stint in industry in between his various academic stops around the country.   Take this whirlwind tour as Al and I reminisce about all the big names in the history of turfgrass science, many of whom rubbed elbows at some point with Dr. Turgeon. He even hired Dr. Milt Engelke at Texas

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Jim Koppenhaver of Pellucid Corp on the current state of the golf industry

In yet another fascinating discussion with Jim Koppenhaver of Pellucid Corp, we chat about the current state of the golf industry, including: reduction and absorption in golf facilities and businesses that serve them comparisons with retail and restaurant industries that are also cyclical industries warning signs for superintendents that a facility might be in financial trouble the change in golf's consumer base and requirements, including digital technology n

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Resistance Radio, Summer Edition

In this episode of Frankly Speaking -- Resistance Radio, Summer Edition -- I talk New England sports and relate it to turf management with Boston sports fans Dr. Ben McGraw, entomologist at Penn State University and Dr Jim Brosnan, weed scientist at the University of Tennessee.   Topics include data-driven precision weed management, synchronicity of adult pest populations, fraise mowing for weed management via seed bank reduction, and the effect of insect control methods on pollinators.   Sm

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Brian Whitlark: Factors affecting playability of putting surfaces

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I have a fascinating chat with Brian Whitlark, western regional agronomist for the USGA Green Section, about factors influencing playability of putting surfaces. On the table for discussion are green firmness, angle of approach from the fairway vs the rough, slope of the green, ball roll distance/green speed, and mower setup.   Whitlark is a certified professional soil scientist and has worked extensively with golf courses facing challenging soil and water

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Dan Dinelli and Dr. Roch Gaussoin: Role and Management of Organic Matter

Following up on two previous deep-dive conversations into the role and management of organic matter in fine turf, I once again host Dr. Roch Gaussoin of the University of Nebraska and Dan Dinelli, golf course superintendent at North Shore Country Club in the Chicagoland area.   Listen in we go at it for an hour, winding up with a fascinating discussion about Dan's research into biochar as a component or amendment of golf turf.   As always, smart talk from leading thinkers... presented by Dry

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Dr. Bruce Clarke: Creation and evolution of BMPs for managing turf diseases

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I had a great, far-ranging chat with plant pathologist extraordinaire Dr. Bruce Clarke of Rutgers University.   We kicked off with the history, creation and evolution of BMPs for managing patch diseases and anthracnose in turf and segued into programmatic approaches to control, intertwining of micronutrients and cultural practices, solid vs hollow tine aerification, self-inflicted issues, topdressing, nitrogen... and the real possibility -- with strict adhe

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Dr. Bryan Unruh: Creation, implementation and importance of BMPs for golf course management

Best management practices (BMP) provide superintendents with critical tools needed to maintain golf courses to the satisfaction of golfers and owners while complying with local, state and federal regulations.   In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Dr. Bryan Unruh, Professor of Environmental Horticulture and Associate Center Director at the University of Florida, IFAS, West Florida Research and Education Center, about his role spearheading the nationwide initiative creating BMPs for

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

The State of Golf and Government Affairs...

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I had an opportunity to chat with Michael Lee, government affairs manager at GCSAA, and Bob Helland, GCSAA director of congressional and federal affairs, about the upcoming National Golf Day on Capitol Hill (April 24-26), and other advocacy initiatives that GCSAA is involved with on behalf of the game of golf.   Smart talk from leading thinkers, and always frankly speaking.  

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Superintendents and Skin Cancer... with Sean Sullivan

In this important podcast, I speak frankly with Sean Sullivan of Briarwood Golf Club in Billings, MT, about his experience with skin cancer, and concerns that all superintendents should have about it.   We get into the various types of skin cancer, genetic susceptibility (as Sean's Irish heritage predisposes him), diagnosis, treatments and precautions... including Sean's references to "core removal" and PGRs.   As always, smart talk from leading thinkers, presented by DryJect.  

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Grassing the National Mall with Michael Stachowicz...

In this episode, I speak frankly with Michael Stachowicz, former golf course superintendent now agronomist with the National Park Service, responsible for managing the turf on the National Mall in Washington.   Topics range from job transition to sand-based systems, turf selection and getting the seed you want, politics and turf damage prevention.   Smart talk from leading thinkers, presented by DryJect.  

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Resistance Radio... pesticide resistance, that is!

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, host Dr. Frank Rossi chats with Penn State entomologist Dr. Ben McGraw and weed specialist Dr. Jim Brosnan from the University of Tennessee about pesticide resistance, ABW surveys with surprising results, old vs new chemistries, weed susceptibility testing, UT's new herbicide selection tool, and the upcoming Poa Day at UT to be broadcast via Facebook Live.   Not to mention New England sports, banjo playing and beer drinking!   Smart talk from leading thin

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Frankly Speaking: Dr. Joe Roberts on etiolation and the microbiome project

In this episode of Frankly Speaking, my guest is Dr. Joe Roberts, plant pathologist at the University of Maryland. Hot topics include bacterial etiolation and decline and their relation to environmental and agronomic stresses, and the new Turfgrass Microbiome project that Dr. Roberts is participating in.  The Turf Microbiome project will identify and study communities of microorganisms that live within and on the plant that may be related to functions in turfgrass health.    As always, smart t

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

Frankly Speaking: Dan Dinelli, CGCS, of North Shore Country Club

Topdressing ENCOURAGES accumulation of organic matter? Say what?   In this EPIC episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat, argue, holler and challenge Dan Dinelli, CGCS, at North Shore CC in Chicagoland and recipient of the GCSAA"s Presidential Award for Environmental Stewardship.   Our conversation ranges from Dan's long-term research in putting green rootzone behavior over time, to cultivar assessment and selection for the impending rebuilding of the 1924 greens at North Shore, to the successes

Frank Rossi

Frank Rossi

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