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Randy and the gang at Rockbottum Country Club pontificate on Rockbottum wisdom and skeletal golf, among other madness.

Entries in this blog

This Grass Could Save Us... Okay, A Few Of Us

Bermuda grass, more commonly known by the scientific Latin designation "muda", (pronounced mooda) is my favorite grass.  After years of the "Walking Dead" lifestyle of BBA, (bent below Atlanta) experimenting with various fescues, poa triv, perennial ryes and zoysias, returning to muda was like a homecoming.   It was Tif Eagle that brought me back.  On the advice of Milton Abel, former GCS and current CEO of Classic Golf, I chose Tif Eagle for the giant greens at Rockbottum CC and it has been g

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Golfers Who Move Tee Markers

When I was a small child, one of my daily assignments was to move the tee markers--by hand--which I did with great enthusiasm.  (This was before I learned to nudge them along with the tee mower.)   For some mysterious reason, on Saturday mornings, the markers sometimes found their way back to their original slap worn-out position and the blame landed on me.  Upon further investigation, I discovered the culprits:  Gamblers.   Golfers who played for money wanted the course set up to their adv

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson


From the archives of Superintendent News, April '03:  A collection of worker's excuses worth remembering.   I have fond memories of life as a GCS; working outside, playing golf, free turf advice from almost everyone and a nearly endless list of incredibly inventive worker's excuses.   TARDINESS "Sorry I'm late, Boss, but when I got home at dawn this morning, my wife started shooting at me with her .45 and--hear that?  See, I ain't lying, here she comes now."   "Not my fault I'm late.  Al

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Secrets To "Good" Greens

From the Rockbottum CC archives, first published in October of '05.   Since I probably will never again work in a supervisory position on a golf course, I have decided to reveal my most guarded trade secrets.  (No, not the special fungicide recipes I acquired from top Atlanta superintendents by means of industrial espionage.)   I'm referring to the survival secrets that allowed me to grow "good greens" in a difficult environment and remain well below the clubhouse complaint radar.   Before

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

The HackerZapper

Are you fed up with golfers wearing those razor-wire spikes, refusing to keep all four tires on the path at greens and tees, and not repairing their ball craters?   Then do something about it.  Order the HackerZapper from Rockbottum CC today!  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Steve Mason, Sky Valley Georgia

Steve Mason, TurfNet member, is the golf course superintendent of Sky Valley Country Club, a stunningly beautiful "hidden gem" of a golf course, tucked into the mountains of Georgia at nearly 3500 feet.     Unlike many courses in the Appalachians, Sky Valley was skillfully positioned in the gentlest part of the valley and lacks the claustrophobic feel of a layout that was narrowly carved into the side of a mountain with dynamite.  The pastoral view of the valley is magnificent and alluring.  (

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

When Howling Mad Golfers Tried To Kill Me*

Have you ever found yourself fleeing through a heavily forested golf course at midnight, pursued by a mob of enraged golfers with guns?   It was the summer of '71.  Burnt Run CC (not the actual name) was a small town southern pseudo-country club inhabited mostly by good people, poor golfers, and rural socialites.  On one fateful night, something terrifying took place and the result was Dad's forcible abdication from his role as Burnt Run Pro/GCS/GM/F&B and Recreation Director.   Prior to

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

It's About To Get Real, You Ready?

When I was coaching defensive backs for a small high school, one of the more entertaining benefits of that job was hearing the players talk to one another across the line.  The easiest conversation to hear--when I wasn't yelling coverage adjustments at 130 decibels--was usually initiated by the cornerback closest to our sideline.   Sometimes, when the offense was lined up in a spread with receivers all over the place, I could hear the D-line growling and the outside linebackers barking--but th

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Our Favorite Success Indicator

In our modern world of performance measurement standards, quantifiable results and outcome-based incremental bonus/promotion charts, one thing remains as the key indicator of success:     Your truck.      

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Been In The Saddle Too Long?

Been wondering if it might be time to check out a career shift?  Something different, like sales rep, or something easy . . . like golf pro?   Here's a short film to help you spot the warning signs that come from too much time in the saddle.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

What Time Is It? It's Irrigation Time!

Here is a remastered version of "The Rapid Deployment Irrigation Vehicle", a short training film guaranteed to help you get ready for summer.   This film stars Buddy, Dave, RW and several billion cicadas.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

The Cupcake Golfer Conundrum

The first one to identify the subliminal message hidden in this film will win an autographed photo of Momma and her frying pan.   You can post your answer in the comment section, or if you don't want "others" to know you watch Rockbottum TV, use the TurfNet Private Message system in the upper right corner of the screen.   Alphabet Elitists attempting to maintain their anonymity should use their NSA connections to dig up my personal email.*   *Note:  As always, do not use private email to s

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Rivermont To Host Organic Golf Field Day in July

Mark Hoban and Chris Cupit of Rivermont GC, will be hosting an Organics and Native Grasses Field Day on 19 July, 2016.   The "Mad Scientist" of Rivermont will reveal the results of his envelope-pushing research, as well as provide breakfast and lunch, supposedly of an organic nature.  (No worms, however.)   Topics will include: Biological trials on greens Compost trials (thermal and vermi) on fairways UGA fertilizer trials (organics, synthetics and inorganics) on fairways Native grasses

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

Ready For Post Big El Nino?

WARNING:  Contains no actual science, only anecdotal ravings of a madman.  Not responsible for migraines or drinking binge caused by reading this.   During my time on turf, I experienced several El Nino patterns and at least two were The Big Ones.  I didn't know they were El Ninos at the time, but I can look back at my extensive journals, cross-reference with the interweb and clearly see the tell-tale signs of Big El were there.   For me, El Nino was a pattern of winter rain, freight-trainin

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

You Learn Important Stuff From Working Golf

Early Saturday morning, about 0130hrs, I awoke to the scream of tires on our narrow and treacherous mountain driveway, followed by yelling and then pounding on our door.   I answered the door, wearing not much more than my headlamp, glowing red in the center of my forehead, thinking, "This is why I moved away from Atlanta."   A nervous young man stood staring into my red light, probably wondering what horror movie he had just landed in, then blurted out, "Help!  My truck is about to fall off

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

The Real Reason Rockbottum CC Skipped GIS!

Yesterday, as the Rockbottum crew enjoyed snow, high winds and cold, a famous Golf Course Superintendent called us from San Diego and taunted us with tales of warm sun, ocean breezes and 83 degrees.   To be polite, we pretended to be envious.  But the real truth is the endless parties, black-tie galas and ballroom dancing associated with attending GIS runs counter to our simple philosophy.   (Also, we hate hot weather, prefer snow and don't own any top hats and tails.)   But to show there'

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson

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