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From the TurfNet NewsDesk

  • John Reitman
    The Purdue University entomology department has an online resource that provides information on safe neonicotinoid use as well as alternative tools for insect pest control. Purdue University photo Few things in the turf management business have created as much controversy as the use of neonicotinoids to control insect pests. Critics say the insecticide class is too toxic to non-target species to warrant its use. Proponents claim it is safe if used correctly and too valuable of a tool to lose in the fight against insect pests.
    The concern over the effects of neonicotinoids on pollinators, birds and fish has led to partial or complete bans in several states, including Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Nevada, Rhode Island and Vermont.
    In response to the controversy swirling around neonicotinoid use the Purdue University entomology department has an online tool that addresses the concerns surrounding neonicotinoid use, tips for safe use and safer alternatives.
    The online tool includes information provided directly from the Purdue entomology department as well as material from outside resources.
    Information from Purdue addresses concerns about neonicotinoid use, including toxicity levels of several products on non-target species, including birds, fish, mammals and pollinating insects.
    Tips include:
    Where and when to apply product. Avoid using neonicotinoids in areas with flowering plants.  Remove weeds with an herbicide before using neonicotinoid insecticides in turfgrass. Mow the turf immediately before spraying any insecticide to remove any blooms and to reduce the chance of foraging by insects. If used to control insects in flowering trees wait until petals fall off to avoid contact with pollinators. The importance of maintaining buffer areas between treated and untreated areas. The active ingredient in neonicotinoids can possibly be taken up through the roots of non-target plants that attract pollinators. Research indicates a buffer of at least 2-3 feet between treated areas and areas where flowering plants might be growing. Seek alternatives. According to researchers, alternative resources for control of white grubs, billbugs, chinch bugs, caterpillars and crane flies include pyrethroids, carbamates, diamides and organophosphates. Other resources from outside Purdue but available through its entomology web site include:
    Protecting and enhancing pollinators in urban landscapes. Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Pollinators: What's all the Buzz About? The Impact of the Nation's Most Widely Used Insecticides on Birds. Bee Advisory Box - USEPA. Protecting Bees and Other Pollinators from Pesticides. FAQs.
  • A pioneer in battery-powered maintenance equipment for the turf industry, Jacobsen is expanding its electric portfolio this year with its ELiTE series of machines. The new additions to the Jacobsen lineup include the Eclipse 2 ELiTE walking greens mower, ELiTE lithium outfront and AR1 ELiTE articulated rotary mower to a line up that already includes the Eclipse 360 ELiTE and SLF1 ELiTE models.
    Powering the new Jacobsen additions is a Samsung Lithium SDI battery technology that the company says provides all-day power to mow greens, tees, fairways and roughs, while also helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    The ELITE lineup includes Jacobsen's PACE Technology equipment management and geofencing system. The Web-based PACE system can be accessed from any enabled device and allows users to track and manage the power supply of each unit.
    Pre-release testing was conducted on 26 courses worldwide.
    The quality of cut has rarely been an issue for Jacobsen customers. Instead, challenges associated with parts and service have been widespread has the company moved locations, first from Racine, Wisconsin to Charlotte, North Carolina in 2001 and on to Augusta, Georgia in 2017 before moving across the Atlantic to Ipswich, England in 2020.
    Jacobsen's newest electronic offerings already have made an impact at Humboldt Golf and Country Club in Humboldt, Tennessee.
    "Fairways and tees have just taken the next step, I guess is the best way to put it," said Paul Webb, general manager and superintendent at Humboldt in a video released by Jacobsen.
    "Improvements in technology in the last 13 years have just continued to improve our turf quality. I would say the Eclipse has been the most impactful piece that we've had, just the frequency of clip, the electric motors, just the quality of cut that we can get at a higher height, we don't have to stress our turf out, and we still maintain the speed and just quality of cut that everybody's looking for."
    The hurdle for Jacobsen in recent years has not been quality of cut but access to parts and service. 

    Jacobsen's ELiTE mower series is powered by a lithium battery power pack. Jacobsen photo Paul Carter has been using Jacobsen's electric mowing technology at the Bear Trace at Harrison Bay near Chattanooga since it launched a decade ago.
    "A lot of people had concerns when they shipped everything overseas," Carter said. "I can't say we've had any major issues that were more than what I've ever had with equipment of other colors.
    "We went with Jacobsen's electric technology in 2014 because it was the only (electric) game in town. I believe the Eclipse is the best cutting unit in the business."
    John Reilly, superintendent at Longboat Key Club in Southwest Florida, has been wed to other iron manufacturers throughout his career, but after testing some of Jacobsen's new equipment at the club near Sarasota, he has recently entered into a $5 million equipment package that will include about 45 walk mowers.
    Initially, Reilly too was concerned about some of the stories he has heard through the year.
    "We wanted to be all electric, so I put them through every pace imaginable," Reilly said. "When it comes to electric technology, they're ahead of the curve, and it's always been a great cutting unit. The reels have never been the issue."
    One of the selling points for Reilly was a heart-to-heart discussion with his sales rep. 
    "They listened more than they talked," he said.
    "They're committed to service and parts. That's not horse hockey, and that's what changed my mind. The technology is solid."
  • If nothing else, Ohio might be the most "average" place on the planet. After all, it is where many restaurants and snack makers often go to test their products and gauge acceptance on a wider scale.
    Several menu offerings from McDonald's, Taco Bell, Burger King and Wendy's often appear first in outlets around Columbus before they are available elsewhere, and when Lay's launched a barrage of new potato chip flavors a few years ago, they first were tested around Toledo.
    This winter, however, the weather in Ohio, and elsewhere, has been anything but average.
    With winter all but a rearview mirror memory, thoughts turn to the next challenge on the horizon for superintendents, including the upcoming grub season.
    Is the warmer-than-average winter, that has been defined not only by unseasonable temperatures but also a lack of precipitation, a hint of things to come courtesy of white grubs?
    According to research, warmer temperatures might bring grubs to the surface earlier in the year than usual, but conditions in spring, scientists say, are not related to enhanced grub populations and are not enough to promote a second generation in locations where one generation per year is the norm.

    According to former University of Kentucky entomologist Dan Potter, Ph.D., there is no direct correlation between mild winters and increased grub populations.
    According to Potter, the 2010 USGA Green Section Award recipient, grubs already come equipped with an ability to survive harsh winters as they overwinter buried deep into the soil as larvae, as well as an internal clock that tells them when it is time to pupate and emerge in late spring or early summer as adults. They might emerge sooner than later in years like 2024, but nothing suggests there will be any more of them.
    "They are not going to freeze in cold weather either," Potter told TurfNet on the subject in the past. "They don't freeze at the same temperature as water. You can put them in the freezer and open it later and they will still be alive."
    Ninety miles north of Potter's location in Cincinnati, the average daily high temperature in January is about 39 degrees Fahrenheit. In February, those daily highs range from 40 degrees on Feb. 1 to 47 degrees by the end of the month. 
    That was not the case this year. January temperatures this year in Cincinnati climbed above average on 19 of 31 days and exceeded 50 degrees four times. Deviations from normal temperatures were even more dramatic in February, when temperatures in Ohio's Queen City exceeded 50 degrees on 20 of 29 days, eclipsed 60 six times and 70 once.
    What grubs do require to have a banner year is plenty of moisture in the soil. If conditions are too dry, the eggs laid last summer will not be viable.
    Soil moisture levels of at least 10 percent in summer when adult beetles lay their eggs will go much farther than unseasonably warm conditions at ensuring a successful hatch.
    Beetles also are adept at seeking out fertile territory for depositing their eggs. According to Potter, adult beetles seek out moist areas to lay their eggs and will mostly ignore those areas that are too dry. That is why they naturally seek out golf courses.
    When there is plenty of rain in July and August there is always good egg survival, according to Potter. When there's drought, there is not good survival except on places like irrigated fairways and roughs.
  • Velocity PM is labeled for use on tees and fairways in both cool- and warm-season grasses. Velocity herbicide for Poa control is back after a brief leave of absence.
    For more than a decade, Velocity herbicide from Nufarm was a standard bearer for control of Poa annua and Poa trivialis in cool- and warm-season turf on golf course tees and fairways. The next iteration, Velocity PM, will be available for use in March.
    With the active ingredient bispyribac sodium, Velocity almost worked too well and was, in some respects, a victim of its own success. To that end, Scott McElroy, Ph.D., of Auburn University, once warned attendees at a past Northern California GCSA Assistant Superintendent Bootcamp that you better know how much Poa you have, or you might be in for a surprise.
    With the same active ingredient as original Velocity SG, the new formulation, Velocity Poa Management, is a low-use-rate herbicide labeled for use on creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and dormant Bermudagrass on golf course tees and fairways. It is a compatible tank mix partner with plant growth regulators, fertilizers and fungicides. 
    Keys to success when using Velocity PM, according to instructions, are to apply only to healthy turf when temperatures are between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit in five applications of three-fourths ounce per acre every 14 days. It is best to avoid use within four hours of a predicted rain event.
    With the original formulation of Velocity many superintendents, as well as homeowners and landscape operators who had underestimated the amount of Poa intrusion were left with barren dirt after using the herbicide.
    Eventually, Velocity was taken out of production in 2018. Velocity's return was hinted at in a pre-GCSAA show news release, and more information about the comeback was available in Phoenix.
  • Mike O'Keeffe, far right, brought more than 40 Ohio Program interns to this year's GCSAA Conference and Show in Phoenix. Photo courtesy of Mike O'Keeffe An infamous video once indicated that the best job in the business was that of the golf course dog. If that's true, then Mike O'Keeffe at Ohio State University easily is the industry's runner-up.
    For more than 30 years, O'Keeffe has been director of the The Ohio Program, OSU's international exchange module that brings students from other countries to the United States and sends American students abroad for real-world internship opportunities in agriculture, horticulture and turf.
    O'Keeffe (fittingly pictured at right in front of a world map) is always smiling, and for good reason. To the casual observer, O'Keeffe's job includes jet-setting around the globe, selling the program to turf managers and wining-and-dining prospective trainees. 
    While his job does include much of the above, what is not always so obvious are the countless hours of work that go into running a program that matches hundreds of trainees each year with the right opportunities on the opposite side of the globe from their respective homes and the responsibility that comes with such tasks.
    "These opportunities don't just happen," O'Keeffe said. "They happen because we build relationships."
    A native of Ireland, O'Keeffe, 59, came to the United States in 1986 through the very program he now leads to grow tomatoes for a Heinz processing plant in Ohio. Since taking over the program 35 years ago from former director Mike Chrisman, O'Keeffe says he has helped put upwards of 10,000 students from the U.S. and abroad on their career paths in golf and sports turf and agriculture.
    Alan FitzGerald, CGCS, at Rehoboth Beach Country Club in Delaware, also is a native of Ireland. And like O'Keeffe, he also is a product of The Ohio Program.
    "The amount of people he has helped, they're dotted all over the world," said Alan FitzGerald, CGCS at Rehoboth Beach Country Club in Delaware. "It's amazing the number of people's lives he has touched."
    O'Keeffe was raised on a dairy farm in his native County Cork, and went on to study vegetable production at Warrenstown Agricultural College in County Meath.
    Through The Ohio Program he learned of an opportunity to grow tomatoes in Wilmington, Ohio, a rural area between Columbus and Cincinnati. The farm needed an experienced hand as the tomatoes grown there were to be shipped almost 200 miles north to Fremont for processing in a Heinz ketchup plant.
    O'Keeffe immediately displayed a knack for identifying qualified help and team building.
    "It was hard work," O'Keeffe said. "We worked 10-hour days. It was windy, really hot, or really cold. The locals they hired quit like crazy. They were dropping like flies."
    The best worker, he recalled, was a migrant worker from Latin America. He convinced farm management to hire more experienced and qualified help from south of the border, and just like that O'Keeffe's place in helping people find a path to employment was born.

    Flags on Mike O'Keeffe's office wall that have been signed by past Ohio Program interns remind him of how many people the program has helped. Photo courtesy of Mike O'Keeffe When O'Keeffe came to the U.S., The Ohio Program was strictly for agricultural internships. It was not until after he became involved in running it that the program created opportunities for aspiring turf managers, too.
    Today, Ohio Program trainees are working in jobs at all levels worldwide, including Lara Arias, superintendent at Marco Simone Golf and Country Club near Rome, site of last year's Ryder Cup Matches. 
    Arias spent a year-and-a-half in the states, interning at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Virginia, TPC Scottsdale and Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, North Carolina for the 2017 PGA Championship.
    "Kids from other countries jump start their careers by coming here," he said. "Or kids from here going there."
    When he's not in his office in Columbus, O'Keeffe can be found at some of the world's best golf courses here in the U.S. and elsewhere looking for intern candidates, checking up on those already in the program or selling its benefits to students, assistants and superintendents alike.
    An upcoming trip to Australia and elsewhere will have him visiting 10 southern hemisphere cities in two weeks.
    "People know me, and they know about the program, but you can't ride a reputation forever," O'Keeffe said. "Eventually, you have to show up."
    O'Keeffe says his office walls, which are adorned with golf course flags signed by Ohio Program interns from around the world, speak louder than words to the success of the program.
    "Every name is a past trainee from somewhere around the world," O'Keeffe said. 
    "It's not an ego trip. It's a tool for recruitment. And it's humbling to look at that and see the difference you make in people's lives."
    When Covid all but shut down the program, including international travel, O'Keeffe spent his waking hours planning for when the pandemic was over.
    "We couldn't just sit on our hands. I was on more Zoom calls to colleges and speaking to classes in other countries than I can remember," he said. 

    Mike O'Keeffe, upper right, and a recent group of interns at Ohio Stadium in Columbus. He would speak to classes on the other side of the world by Zoom that would be in the middle of the night in Ohio then go back to bed.
    "I was planting the seeds for when Covid was over," O'Keeffe said. "You didn't know when it would be over, but if I got one kid out of that by Zoom, then that was a success for me."
    FitzGerald is one of those success stories.
    A 1998 graduate of the Penn State turfgrass program, FitzGerald was an assistant at Pine Valley when his visa was set to expire. He was able to stay in the U.S. and at Pine Valley by securing a J-level visa as an Ohio Program intern. FitzGerald, who later spent 19 years as superintendent at LedgeRock Golf Club in Pennsylvania before moving on to Rehoboth Beach last July,  eventually became an American citizen in 2019. 
    "I had heard of The Ohio Program at Mount Juliet (where he was a greenkeeper in the early '90s). Everybody there knew about it," FitzGerald said. 
    "When I was at Pine Valley I called Mike to get help extending my visa. To this day, I joke with him that I got him into Pine Valley. He already had a great relationship there. What he's done for the industry over the years is amazing."
    Today, O'Keeffe remains driven by the impact the experiences The Ohio Program provides to people in countless countries worldwide.
    "The reason why I still do this is when you help someone and see the impact it has on their careers," he said. 
    "These kids jump start their careers by getting internships either by coming here or going over there. What other job can you have when you get to make a difference in so many people's lives?"
  • Scientists from more than a half-dozen universities and research organizations want to learn all they can about winter damage on golf courses. And they want your help.
    Described as a holistic approach to understanding the mechanisms and mitigating the effects of winter stress on turf grasses in northern climates.
    The WinterTurf Grant project is a joint initiative of the University of Minnesota, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Rutgers, Massachusetts, Iowa State, Oregon State, the USDA Ag Research Service and the Norway Institute of Bioeconomy Research. It is focused on collecting data next fall and winter from golf courses in multiple countries to help gain a better understanding of winter stresses of turfgrass leading to more effective solutions for superintendents in cold weather climates. To learn more about the program, scan the QR code at right.
    Michigan State professor Kevin Frank, Ph.D., one of the researchers participating in the WinterTurf initiative, addressed the study in a recent TurfNet webinar on winter damage.
    "One of the strategies I've been involved with," Frank said, "is developing the strategy, mitigation and recovery from winter damage in turfgrass."
    To achieve their goals, researchers will monitor:
    Remote sensing of golf course greens to improve knowledge and management of winter stresses in cold climates. Increase physiological understanding of factors associated with winterkill to inform turfgrass management and breeding approaches. Develop improved integrated snow mold management strategies. Improve creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass germplasm for traits associated with superior winter hardiness. Develop strategies for mitigation of and recovery from winter damage in turfgrass systems.  Educate stakeholders about winter stresses. To that end, researchers need cooperation from superintendents at golf courses located in cold climates throughout the world. The program's success relies on staff on the ground collecting data and submitting that along with information on things like agronomic practices, damage history that will be combined with other data (weather, satellite imagery, etc.) to detect patterns that inform us about winter stresses of turf.

    The WinterTurf Grant program is designed to study data from golf courses in northern climates to provide information on winter damage and how to recover from it. Photo from Kevin Frank, Ph.D. Researchers have developed an easy-to-use web application for data entry that works on both mobile devices and desktop computers. 
    Participants will be asked to:
    Take photos of the green before, during and after winter. Share management information. Provide any recent soil test results. Measure snow depth at 4 locations on the green each week and take other notes related to the presence of water and/or ice. "We're looking at a lot of different aspects," Frank said. 
    "And we're really relying a lot on kind of citizen-science projects associated with it, of having superintendents in northern climates help us with some of our data collection." 
    The program is in its second year, and those who participated in 2023-24 can do so again.
    A limited number of sensor nodes will be available for installation to monitor winter conditions such as temperature, light, moisture and oxygen levels in the soil and on the surface of the green.
    Data from these nodes will help researchers learn more about winter stresses of turfgrass so they can predict when it happens and find solutions to reduce risk for the turfgrass managers.
    Nodes are available for a "donation" of $3,000 and will ship in late October or early November.
    For more information, contact Eric Watkins, Ph.D., at the University of Minnesota.
  • Just how long had it been since the GCSAA Conference and Show had visited Phoenix?
    Before this year's show, the last time the event was held in the Valley of the Sun, Ronald Reagan was president, construction on Disneyland Paris was just getting under way and The Simpsons made its TV debut.
    After this year's show, held Jan. 29-Feb. 1 at the Phoenix Convention Center, it might not be such a long time between visits.
    The show attracted 11,000 attendees (about 1,000 fewer than last year's show in Orlando), and a sold out book of 6,600 education seminar spots was the most since the 2008 Orlando show. That schedule also included classes specifically tailored for assistant superintendents, equipment managers and university turf students in classroom and field settings at more than a half-dozen Phoenix-area golf courses.

    A total of 470 vendors covered 352,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, a number that also includes all common areas, including networking areas, meeting and networking lounges, the GCSAA store as well as any demonstration space.
    While the numbers are positive for the GCSAA moving forward, there is little doubt trade shows have lost some of their steam since the pandemic era. Attendance in the 11,000-12,000 range has been the norm for several years, and down from an average of 13,000-14,000 a decade ago.
    The 2008 Orlando show set records with 25,737 attendees and nearly 1,000 vendors. That show was held with the Club Managers Association of American and the National Golf Course Owners Association. The following year's show in New Orleans, a GCSAA solo affair, still boasted 665 exhibitors.
    Some of that attrition can likely be attributed to metrics in the golf market. Since 2001, more than 3,000 golf courses have closed. When figuring new construction into the equation, there has been a net loss of 1,436 courses during that time.
    Next year's show is scheduled for Feb. 3-6 in San Diego.
  • Nos. 10 (left) and 18 at Booone's Trace National Golf Club. Photo courtesy of Chris Rutherford
    Some people upon retirement are content to kick back and wile away their golden years playing golf or fishing. Others are hard wired to do more; to take up a second profession or Plan B, or to undertake something they are passionate about as an occupational pursuit rather than a mere hobby.
    Before "retiring" a decade ago, Chris Rutherford and wife Kelly had been working for Tower Communications Group, the Lexington, Kentucky, technology company started by Chris's father, Lee. Tower Comm was known for, among other things, providing retail vendors with point-of-sale credit card processing systems.
    When the family cashed out of the business in 2014, Rutherford took a year off to play golf. Not content with just playing golf every day, Rutherford had another itch to scratch. 
    The Rutherford clan, to a man, or woman as it were, share a common passion — golf. Multiple generations of the family are lifelong players. Chris and Kelly's son, Cameron, was a four-year player at Lexington Christian Academy and a multiple high school state champion before playing collegiately at Indiana Wesleyan. 
    When the course now known as Boone's Trace National Golf Club near Lexington went up for sale in 2018, Chris and Kelly, with golf coursing through their veins, decided to buy it.
    "I was 47 and retired. I wasn't ready for doing nothing," Chris said. "I have to have a purpose, and I felt like I was just blowing in the wind. My wife and I thought this was a good opportunity."
    The operation truly is a family affair. Cameron, a graduate of the Golf Academy of America in Florida, serves as director of golf, and Kelly acts as general manager. As business owners, all do whatever needs to be done, from riding a mower for superintendent Vince Amonett, to helping in the restaurant and everything in between.
    Kelly said operating a business in something everyone in the family is passionate about felt like a higher calling.
    "We've just always been glass-half-full kind of people," Kelly said. "We're that way with everything.
    "I think if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it."
    Under the Rutherfords' leadership, Boone's Trace has made the transformation from a struggling and neglected daily fee to a vibrant and successful club.
    That has been no simple undertaking.

    No. 11 at Boone's Trace. Photo by Jeff Rogers Photography Kentucky is not the first place that comes to mind when someone mentions high level, private golf. In some ways, Boone's Trace defines life in Central Kentucky. 
    Located 20 miles south of downtown Lexington in the middle of Kentucky's horse and bourbon country, Boone's Trace is accessible from the north only by a one-lane bridge spanning the Kentucky River, and it is just a few miles downriver from the site of Fort Boonesborough, the settlement founded in 1775 by a 20-year-old frontiersman and pioneer named Daniel Boone.
    It does not get much more Kentucky than horses, bourbon, backroads and Boone (the man).
    But Boone's Trace the golf course is more than just 18 holes of golf tucked into an area that is not known much for golf.
    Boone's Trace sits high on a bluff above the river surrounded by a few hundred high-end homes and breathtaking views in all directions. 
    When the Rutherfords bought the course, it was a daily fee with only a handful of memberships. If the dog days of summer were especially hot and play was slow, it could be hard to make ends meet.
    The Rutherfords realized the facility's future was not in daily fee golf. Since going private in January 2023, Boone's Trace has grown from 67 memberships to more than 350 and counting.
    Going private and undergoing a successful membership drive alleviated the challenges associated with cash flow. 
    "If you have three months of drought in summer, the public is not here and there is no revenue," Chris said. "You don't have that problem when you are private."
    The transition has not been an easy one. 
    Covid struck shortly after they bought the facility, and restrictions in place throughout Kentucky forced the Rutherfords to innovate just to survive. Cameron took check-ins for the golf course through a half-open office window from golfers waiting outside to tee off.

    No. 12 at Boone's Trace. The food and beverage operation survived by offering meals for curbside pick-up and even home deliveries to members living in the community.
    "I can tell you, we've never worked harder," Chris said. 
    "We've put a lot of personal funds into this. When you take on something like this, you have to be vested in its success."
    The Rutherfords hardly are satisfied with the status quo, and are committed to making Boone's Trace even better.
    The club has outdoor event space, a renovated restaurant and lounge and future plans include a coffee bar adjacent to the golf shop.
    "What do we have to do to take it up a notch?" Kelly asked, referring to the club's future. 
    "You just do whatever it takes. We didn't have a whole lot handed to us. We've worked hard for everything we have."
  • Editor's note: I wanted to link to a video depicting the fan experience at Philadelphia Eagles games, but couldn't find anything that was free of inappropriate language.
    Apologies to Philadelphia Eagles fans. You once wore the title of worst fans in all of sports. And you wore it well.
    After all, pelting Santa Claus with snowballs, holding drunk court - and operating a jail - on Sundays in the bowels of old Veterans Stadium, firing a flare gun at fans of the opposing team and 9-year-old fans flipping the double-bird to former New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning (right)  is championship-level tomfoolery that goes unmatched outside of Philadelphia.
    Until now.
    It is time to move over, Eagles fans. When it comes to being the drunkest, most obnoxious and rudest sports fans on the planet, there is a new sheriff in town. That title of champion drunkard and poor sport now belongs to the gallery at the Wasted Management Phoenix Open, where the stadium seating on the infamous par-3 16th hole looks (and sounds) more like a scene out of "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome."
    I appreciate alcohol-induced fun (in moderation) as much as the next person, and goodness knows tour golf is in need of a little fun to broaden its appeal to new audiences, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
    When fans threaten the safety of others by storming the turnstiles to get to No. 16 like it's the 1979 Who concert in Cincinnati (left), you've reached the point of diminishing returns. (Note: I was a high school junior and lived 5 miles from the arena in 1979, had friends at the concert and remember it vividly first hand, so don't @ me on this one.)
    When fans who have no business being partially clad in public start stripping off their clothes and sliding, belly first, downhill on the turf like sled riders on a golf course in January, you've reached the point of diminishing returns. 
    When golfers are jawing on camera with drunk patrons who talk through backswings or feel the need to heckle players over Ryder Cup roster selections, you've reached the point of diminishing returns.
    When the PGA Tour has to close the gates at TPC Scottsdale because the number of crazed drunks on the grounds has become too great, you've reached the point of diminishing returns.
    When the winner of the tournament takes a back seat to the sophomoric antics occurring outside the ropes, you've reached the point of diminishing returns.

    Crews cleaning up so play can resume on No. 16 at TPC Scottsdale. Waste Management Phoenix Open photo When the venue has to suspend alcohol sales because of all of the above, you've reached the point of diminishing returns.
    The atmosphere on No. 16 at TPC Scottsdale is legendary and has become more relevant than the tournament itself for everyone except the players in the field. Drinking to excess is not only tolerated on 16, it is encouraged. Cheering or booing players depending on their score at 16 is good-natured fun that golf needs. It's just one hole, get over it and move on. The celebration that takes place there for the occasional hole-in-one that includes everyone in the 85255 zip code getting a beer shower is good for the game. 
    What is not acceptable is turning every hole on the course into an extension of the 16th hole where bad behavior is not only tolerated, but encouraged and celebrated. That's not good for golf, or any sport for that matter. 
    The future success of golf depends on facilities promoting and ensuring a fun, family friendly atmosphere. The Tour has an opportunity here to help promote this family atmosphere by by playing an active role in dialing back behavior at its tournaments that would likely result in people being charged with public drunkenness and/or disorderly conduct if they occurred outside the gates.
    Where do you think you are anyway, Philadelphia?
  • During the past generation, few names have been as synonymous with high-level championship golf as Bob Farren, CGCS.
    For his accomplishments and contributions to golf and the turfgrass maintenance industry, Farren has been named the recipient of the 2024 USGA Green Section Award.
    Farren's career in turf management has spanned 45 years, including the past 32 at Pinehurst Resort where he has been director of golf course management since 2001.
    At Pinehurst, Farren oversees agronomic conditions for all of the resort's nine golf courses, as well as a par 3 course and 43,000 square foot putting course.
    During his time in the North Carolina Sandhills, Pinehurst No. 2 has been the site of nearly a dozen USGA national championships, including the U.S. Open in 1999, 2005 and 2014; the 2008 and 2019 U.S. Amateur and the U.S. Women's Open in 2014.
    A native of Tornado, West Virginia, Farren grew up working on a golf course alongside his father, Bob Sr. in his hometown.

    Bob Farren, CGCS, has overseen unprecedented growth and multiple national championships at Pinehurst Resort for more than 30 years. Pinehurst Resort photo Since deciding to follow in his father's footsteps, Farren has been a regular speaker at regional and national events and has been on the ground floor of helping prepare assistants for jobs as head superintendents through professional-development events such as the Green Start Academy.
    Farren also has overseen tremendous growth at Pinehurst as well as a return to the facility's rustic golf roots that includes a restoration of the Donald Ross-designed No. 2 course in advance of the U.S. Open and Women's Open played in concurrent weeks in 2014. 
    That restoration, led by the design team of Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore, included converting more than 40 acres of irrigated turf to native grasses, regrassing greens with heat- and drought-tolerant Champion Bermudagrass, eliminating overseeding throughout the property and bringing back a vintage appearance that more resembles what No. 2 looked like when Ross built it in 1907.
    Farren learned much of what he knows about agronomy at his father's knee. He did not attend traditional turf school, and formally studied hospitality at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. Thus, much of his professional development advice to superintendents and assistants focuses on customer service as well as making yourself an indispensable asset for the property.
    He spoke extensively about his career and promoting the profession in a TurfNet podcast in 2017.
    He also credits his mother, a former school teacher, with helping instill in him a desire to educate and help others.
    The USGA Green Section Award is given annually to one who exhibits service to golf through an individual's work with turfgrass. Farren will receive the award during the USGA annual meeting, scheduled for March 2 in Nashville.
    USGA Green Section Award winners:
    • 1961 — John Monteith Jr.
    • 1962 — Lawrence S. Dickinson
    • 1963 — O.J. Noer
    • 1964 — Joseph Valentine
    • 1965 — Glenn W. Burton, Ph.D.
    • 1966 — H. Burton Musser
    • 1967 — Elmer J. Michael
    • 1968 — James L. Haines
    • 1969 — Fred V. Grau
    • 1970 — Eberhard R. Steiniger
    • 1971 — Tom Mascaro
    • 1972 — Herb and Joe Graffis
    • 1973 — Marvin H. Ferguson, Ph.D.
    • 1974 — Howard B. Sprague, Ph.D.
    • 1975 — Fanny-Fern Davis, Ph.D.
    • 1976 — James R. Watson, Ph.D.
    • 1977 — Edward J. Casey
    • 1978 — Jesse De France, Ph.D.
    • 1979 — Arthur A. Snyder
    • 1980 — C. Reed Funk, Ph.D.
    • 1981 — Joseph W. Duich, Ph.D.
    • 1982 — Charles G. Wilson
    • 1983 — Alexander M. Radko
    • 1984 — W.H. Daniel, Ph.D.
    • 1985 — Victor B. Youngner, Ph.D.
    • 1986 — James B. Moncrief
    • 1987 — Sherwood Moore
    • 1988 — Roy Goss
    • 1989 — James Beard
    • 1990 — Chester Mendenhall
    • 1991 — Joseph Troll, Ph.D.
    • 1992 — C. Richard Skogley, Ph.D.
    • 1993 — Ralph E. Engel, Ph.D.
    • 1994 — Kenyon T. Payne, Ph.D.
    • 1995 — David Stone
    • 1996 — Robert M. Williams
    • 1997 — Paul Rieke, Ph.D.
    • 1998 — B.J. Johnson
    • 1999 — Noel Jackson, Ph.D.
    • 2000 — L. Palmer Maples Jr.
    • 2001 — Patricia A. Cobb
    • 2002 — George B. Thompson
    • 2003 — Houston B. Couch, Ph.D.
    • 2004 — Monroe S. Miller
    • 2005 — Peter Cookingham
    • 2006 — Robert C. Shearman, Ph.D.
    • 2007 — Joe Vargas Jr., Ph.D.
    • 2008 — Ted Horton
    • 2009 — Terry Bonar
    • 2010 — Daniel A. Potter, Ph.D.
    • 2011 — Dennis Lyon
    • 2012 — Wayne Hanna, Ph.D.
    • 2013 — Victor Gibeault, Ph.D.
    • 2014 — Peter Dernoeden, Ph.D.
    • 2015 — Patricia J. Vittum, Ph.D.
    • 2016 — Bruce Clarke, Ph.D.
    • 2017 — Norman Hummel, Ph.D.
    • 2018 — Tim Hiers
    • 2019 — Michael T. Huck
    • 2020 — William Meyer, Ph.D.
    • 2021 — No Award Given (COVID-19 pandemic)
    • 2022 — Frank Dobie
    • 2023 — Roch Gaussoin, Ph.D.
    • 2024 — Bob Farren
  • Foley's 642 Quick Spin grinder offers easy-to-use controls, counter balanced spin drive and a front and rear clamping system for quick, touch-up spin grinding. Foley Co. photo For golf course equipment managers who need an easy solution for quick grinding projects, Foley Co. has introduced the 642 Quick Spin reel grinder.
    Described by Foley as the first professional floor-level, roll-on, roll-off grinder, the 642 debuted at the GCSAA Conference and Show and BIGGA's BTME exhibition. The 642 Quick Spin measures 67 inches in width and 41 inches tall. It provides equipment managers with the ability to perform quick, touch-up spin grinding on walk-behind mowers with cutting widths up to 42 inches without removing the bedknife, resulting in considerable time savings with easy-to-use controls, counter balanced spin drive and a front and rear clamping system.
    "(The 642) is a machine that will appeal to all grounds professionals who are looking to improve the performance and efficiency of their grinding programs," said Foley president and chief executive officer Paul Rauker.
    "We have developed and patented simple to use controls to save time without compromising on performance."
    A counter-balanced spin drive makes it easier to position reels as well as transition from one side of the reel to the other while front and rear clamps secure any cutting unit configuration the user needs.
    An adjustable roller clamp can accommodate a variety of rollers and groomers, and the single-clamp design allows for setting the height of the reel using the cylinder height stop.
  • The war on pesticides continues.
    A U.S. federal judge on Tuesday, Feb. 6 canceled the registration of three dicamba-based herbicides used in agriculture and said the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency broke the law when it approved them four years ago.
    David Bury, senior U.S. district judge for the District of Arizona, vacated the registrations of Bayer's XtendiMax, BASF's Engenia and Tavium from Syngenta, citing drift concerns affecting non-target crops. All three are key tools in fighting a variety of weeds in genetically modified soybeans and cotton that are resistant to dicamba.
    The registrations of all three products were either granted or renewed in 2020 when the EPA was assured necessary steps had been taken to reduce or minimize the effects on non-target species. 
    In his decision Tuesday, Bury wrote in his decision that before approving the registrations the EPA failed to allow for a public comment period, which is required by law.
    Although the ruling affects only products that include dicamba for use in agriculture, the active ingredient also is the basis for several herbicides in the turf and ornamentals market.
    According to reports, the three manufacturers affected in the Arizona ruling are waiting to see whether the EPA recognizes the decision.

    "The EPA followed a science-based approach to evaluate and manage ecological risks and balance agricultural and societal benefits before granting the current Engenia herbicide registration. Engenia herbicide is generally safe when used according to its label," said a news release from BASF. 
    "BASF is reviewing the Order and assessing its legal options while awaiting direction from the U.S. EPA on actions it will take as a result of the Order.
    "BASF remains committed to working with the EPA and other stakeholders to identify workable, durable weed control solutions for dicamba-tolerant crops and serving its customers by offering effective crop protection solutions."
    In a separate release, officials from Bayer, which  said they were waiting for the EPA to assess the decision.
    dicamba was banned for use in agriculture in June 2020 when an appellate court decided the chemistry was more harmful than stated by the EPA. The agency decided farmers could exhaust existing supplies before the ban went into effect and later reauthorized their use.
    The news is of particular significance to Bayer, which was ordered to pay $10.9 billion in settlements in 2020 to plaintiffs claiming the weedkiller caused their non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Bayer, which eventually sold its T&O business in 2022 to Envu, has been ordered to pay an additional $4 billion in settlements since November 2023.
    Like Roundup with the active ingredient glyphosate, Bayer inherited its dicamba-based herbicide when it acquired Monsanto in 2018.
    Other pesticides that have been used in golf, including neonicotinoids, chlorpyrifos, have faced partial or complete bans in the recent past, as well.
  • The man who was indicted for the 2021 murder of a Georgia golf professional and two others in a drug-deal-gone-wrong has pleaded guilty to avoid the death penalty.
    On Feb. 2, Bryan Rhoden (below right) was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole after pleading guilty to multiple counts of murder and kidnapping in the deaths of Pinetree Country Club golf pro Gene Siller, 46 (above right), Henry Valdez, 46, and Paul Pierson, 76, at the Kennesaw, Georgia golf course in July 2021.
    Siller was found dead near Pinetree's No. 10 green at Pinetree, when he responded to calls about a pickup truck on the golf course. Police later found Valdez, a drug supplier, and Pierson, his associate, slain in the bed of a Dodge pickup that had been abandoned on the property. 
    Investigators say that during a drug deal on July 2, 2021, Rhoden abducted Valdez, of Anaheim, California, and Pierson, of Topeka, Kansas, in Jonesboro, Georgia, bound them with duct tape and zip ties then drove them to the golf course 40 miles away before shooting them in the bed of the pickup. In his plea Rhoden told investigators he intended to sink the pickup in a pond on the golf course. Siller, who was walking down the 10th fairway to investigate the incident, simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time, investigators said.
    "Detectives have learned that Mr. Siller happened upon a crime in progress involving the unknown suspect and the two deceased males who were found in the pickup truck," according to a 2021 police report. "It does not appear Siller was in any way targeted, but rather was killed because he witnessed an active crime taking place."
      Rhoden initially pleaded not guilty to the charges in December 2022.  Last July, Cobb County District Attorney Flynn Broady said he would seek the death penalty. 

    Cobb County Sheriff's deputies investigate the scene on the 10th green at Pinetree Country Club in Kennesaw, Georgia, after the bodies of three people, including club pro Gene Siller, were found on July 3, 2021. Rhoden was arrested the day of the incident on unrelated DUI charges. At the time he was not a suspect in the incident at Pinetree, and was released July 6. Two days later, he was arrested in South Carolina on charges of trafficking cocaine. That investigation eventually linked Rhoden to the events at Pinetree.
    Rhoden has a history of violent crime, according to police. He was arrested in 2016 and charged with assault, attempted murder and possessing a firearm on campus when he was involved in a drug deal gone bad at Georgia State University, where he was a student at the time, police said.
    Pinetree, a Chick Adams design, opened in 1962. Georgia native Larry Nelson was an assistant pro there before embarking on a Hall of Fame PGA Tour career.
  • Good or bad, records are made to be broken.
    In the golf business, many of the records that have been broken in the past 20 years were record lows, not record highs. Record low rounds played, record number of course closings, record low number of people playing golf. 
    However, in the past few years, some of the benchmarks that have been eclipsed have been on the high end of the scale. 
    On the heels of Covid, nearly a million people entered the game and a record 518 million rounds were played in 2021.
    There is more good news this year, according to Jim Koppenhaver of Pellucid Corp. and Stuart Lindsay of Edgehill Golf Advisors in their annual State of the Golf Industry report delivered Jan. 25 during the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando.
    The golfer base increased by 4 percent in 2023, from 21.9 million players to 22.8 million. That's a net increase of 2.3 million people since 2019, and is the highest number of golfers in the game since 26 million in 2010. 
    Rounds played reached a record high of 520 million, eclipsing the previous record of 518 million rounds set in 2000 and 2021, and revenue nationwide increased by 7 percent.
    The number of men in the game increased by 800,000 (nearly 5 percent) to 16.8 million, while the number of women increased by about 100,000 (1.9 percent) to 6 million, according to the report. 
    For years, Baby Boomers carried the game on their collective backs, a statistic that is changing rapidly as many in that generation age out.
    The good news is that younger players are picking up the game. The bad news is Gen Xers are not.
    The number of Boomers in the game increased 4.8 percent to 4.9 million players. Those aged 35-54 increased by an eye-popping 8.4 percent to 6.6 million and 18-34s increased by 3.1 percent to 5.5 million. Generation X, or those aged 55-64, however, decreased by 3 percent to 3.7 million players.

    The number of golfers in the game and rounds played were way up last year. File photo by John Reitman "We haven't done a very good job of attracting the generation behind us," Koppenhaver said. "So part of our challenge as an industry is we're starting to age out.
    "We have a big gap in that next generation behind us that didn't take up golf like I did at (age) 24."
    The most-cited barriers to taking up the game and continuing with it have, historically, been time, cost and difficulty. None of which seem to be holding people back now, and Koppenhaver is not sure why.
    "We haven't solved any of the three issues that people said kept them from playing golf," Koppenhaver said. "It still takes four-and-a-half hours to play. It costs more to play today, but we have some cover because everything costs even more than golf. And despite all the equipment we see on the (PGA show) floor and everything else that is supposed to make my game better, I still suck."
    When the number of course closures outpaced openings in 2006, it represented an anomaly that had not occurred since the end of World War II. Since then, a net loss of courses each year has been the rule rather than the exception as closures have outnumbered openings for each of the past nine years - a necessary evil to bring the market toward equilibrium, which is an industry average of about 35,000 rounds per 18-hole equivalent, according to Koppenhaver and Lindsay.
    Equilibrium was reached several years ago, with the average rounds per EHE hovering between 38,000 and 40,000 each of the past four years.
    Last year, a total of 78 courses closed nationwide, with just 26 openings for a net loss of 52. Since 2006, there has been a net loss of 1,664 18-hole equivalents for a total golf supply of 12,783 courses, according to the report.
    With courses, on average, operating above equilibrium, the industry today could tolerate a net gain of another 2,000 EHE's (which is not going to happen) or losing 73 million rounds. Both give the industry, on the whole, with a good cushion.
    Public-access courses led the way, representing 92 percent of all closures. Although closings are trending down, about 80 properties sold last year. That number has hovered between 80 and 110 for the past four years. About 36 percent of those sales were of private clubs, and another 31 percent were considered "premium public" properties.
    That trend, Koppenhaver said, can be attributed to investors seeing little to no return on daily access value properties.
    Another trend that emerged in 2023 is the return of real estate golf that include properties like the Greg Norman-designed Shell Bay course in Miami.
    "There is a place for real estate golf," Koppenhaver said. "But not at the level we were doing it in '05."
  • You too can now have the industry's first smart device designed to test multiple metrics on putting green conditions.
    After bursting onto the scene in the golf industry a year ago, the USGA's GS3 "smart ball" is now available for purchase. 
    Eight years in development, the rechargeable GS3 is outfitted with sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopes that collect more than 15,000 data points to provide agronomic benchmarks that superintendents and researchers can use to make agronomic decisions and predict putting surface performance. The rechargeable smart ball that is the same size and weight as a standard golf ball calculates green speed, firmness, smoothness and trueness.
    Used in conjunction with the Deacon app, the GS3 provides immediate data on key surface performance metrics that superintendents can use to facilitate change more effectively on their course.
    Since announcing the product last year, the USGA has focused on quality testing and data validation. The GS3 was used at USGA championships throughout 2022 and 2023 and has been in use in real world conditions by some university researchers and at select golf courses, including Atlanta Athletic Club, Bel-Air Country Club, Longboat Key Club, Merion Golf Club and Pinehurst Resort.
    Priced at $2,750, the GS3 Starter Kit includes the GS3 ball and charger, a Deacon subscription, Stimpmeter, drop fixture, an enkamat and capture tray, clipping yield volume bucket and USGA agronomic support.
  • The turf-breeding program at the University of Georgia has released its latest vegetative seashore paspalum variety that is bred for enhanced resistance to many biotic and abiotic stressors.
    The result of 16 years of R&D, SeaBreeze was developed at Georgia's Griffin facility and can be used on golf courses on greens, tees and fairways. It is the fifth paspalum variety developed by UGA turf breeders and the third under Paul Raymer, Ph.D., professor of crop and soil science at the university's Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics.
    SeaBreeze was bred for improved vigor, drought and shade tolerance, color, turf quality, leaf texture and density, tensile strength and resistance to dollar spot.

    SeaBreeze paspalum was developed by University of Georgia professor and plant breeder Paul Raymer, Ph.D. UGA photo SeaBreeze produces improved quality turf under a range of mowing heights, and can be used on golf courses, athletic fields and lawns. It was tested under the experimental name of UGP 73 and has been evaluated in the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program at eight locations from 2016 to 2020. It also was the subject of a USDA Specialty Crops Research Grant to develop improved drought and salinity tolerant warm-season grasses where it was tested at six sites from 2011 to 2013 and in advanced trials at another six locations in 2016-19.
    "SeaBreeze is by far the best paspalum we've developed. It combines vigor and performance with beauty and toughness," Raymer said. "This grass establishes readily and grows-in rapidly. I think sod producers are going to love it because it cycles quickly and It's fun to grow."
    SeaBreeze is licensed for distribution to two Florida sod growers — Creekside Growers in Arcadia and Sun Turf in Fort Pierce.
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