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Turf Specialist/Agronomist

Category   Turf Specialist/Agronomist
    • $20 to $22 per hour
    • $15 to $30 per hour

  • Job listings are free for TurfNet members. Make sure you're signed in first.

    Non-members: You may purchase job listings for $95 each. You must first register for an account so you can edit/delete or post additional jobs in the future. Return to this page and you'll see a "Post a job" button.

    Note: If your budget better allows for job postings than memberships, you can purchase a "Job Listings Package" for $195 instead of a "membership" (same thing) so your invoice/receipt notes accordingly. Your job listings will be free at that point.

    Resumes are free for everyone. You must first register for an account so you can edit or delete your resume in the future.
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